View Full Version : Light at the end of the tunnel!

15-01-10, 20:47
Hey everyone, hows it going? :hugs:

I went to see my gp today for my check on how things are going. And as soon as I walked into the room, he commented on how much better I am in myself! He said he could remember how I was 12 months ago and what a difference there is in me now :yesyes:

The citalopram has brought me so far along now! Its so overwhelming to think about it! I'm going to stay on 40mg for the next 5/6 months, and then, if things are still going well, my gp and me are going to look into reducing the dosage. It may have taken a crazy 6 months last year to start to work out for me, but I have to say, citalopram has helped me to completely change my life. Its been so worth the effort :yahoo:

Vanilla Sky
15-01-10, 21:25
Thats good news, Just think what you will be like in another six months :D Love Paige x

15-01-10, 21:34
Hi Budgie

That is fantastic news... keep up the good work....yay to you (( hugs ))

15-01-10, 22:51
Thanks guys :hugs:

I wanted to post this because I remember how hard it felt at first, and how much of a struggle it can be to keep persevering with the medication when it seems so useless.

Don't give up, and in time... the thaw comes :)

16-01-10, 00:35
Well done for sticking with it Budgie ..Im so pleased you have done so well ..I hope the New year brings you a lot of happiness .You deserve it ..Take care and keep on enjoying life ...Luv Sue xx:hugs:

susan c
16-01-10, 12:32
First of all I am so glad you are doing well and big congrats to the hard work you have put in.
Secondly I want to say a huge thank you for your encouraging words. I am at the start of my Citalopram journey and been struggling with it. Feeling like I was better off without them. I know that's not true but been amazing how many tricks these can play.

Thanks again. This is all I needed to hear to be able to carry on with the meds.

Take care


16-01-10, 15:15
well done budgie! you go girl......:D

16-01-10, 15:23
Budgie, i feel so pleased for your wonderful news, I am 6 weeks into what i thought was torture, but you do come through, with such encouragement as yours I look forward not back.
thank you budgie
love crissyxxxxxx

eternally optimistic
16-01-10, 16:24
Hi Budgie,

Great news and you sound so positive.

I did citalopram, low dosage, and it did me the world of good. Didnt solve everything but really gave me chance to reclaim myself in many ways. Main thing being that I didnt constantly feel ill and tired and a complete nervous wreck.

Well done and keep it going.

24-02-10, 19:08
Hi Budgie
think i was meant to read your post! i am just a week over the 6 month marker, having been on Cit since sept....[currently on 40mg, started at 20mg]
your thread was so positive, i feel a bit hopeful again!! have had some bad days since Christmas - the longest spell lasting a week [last week], but am more 'steady' this week, and your words have encouraged me to perservere....xx