View Full Version : Panicking

15-01-10, 22:17
I am panicking and have the following

Head and neck pain
Feel like I can't take a full breathe
Constant very mild feeling of nausea
Feel as though my head is unstable
My eyesight in my left eye seems a lot weaker and I struggled to focus when reading a magazine - felt like my eyes were swimming
I feel shaky
I am scared :unsure:

15-01-10, 22:31
It all sounds like anxiety symptoms and the more stressed you get the more symptoms appear. The breathing thing is very common with anxiety, it's your chest muscles that are tense, not your lungs. Try and take slow, controlled breaths. Please don't be scared - many of us have been there and had the same symptoms. They will pass. They're not life-threatening and will go when you can relax a bit. We're so used to winding ourselves up into a pitch!!

15-01-10, 22:36
It doesn't help that I seem to have hung onto a virus for the last week or so which is making me achy, tired, dizzy and going hot and cold. Along with all the typical cold symptoms and headaches

16-01-10, 00:16
It's all anxiety. I've felt all of these symptoms before and although it's frightening at the time, the truth is, it's just your anxiety playing up. Please try and calm down Count from 100 - 0 taking deep slow breaths from your stomach not chest. Although it will be hard when you start, it should get easier the more you do it. Hope you feel better soon.
