View Full Version : Hi everyone (again) :S

15-01-10, 23:09
I posted a hello message last nite and deleted it in a fit of anxiety. Probably that tells more about me than I could with a thousand words here.

Thanks to those who posted a welcome and words of comfort here and in my other deleted post.

I have anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. I'm mostly untreated... although I have started seeing a counsellor. Everyone seems to think I should take medication but I really don't trust doctors at all. I'm really trying hard to cope with my life better for the sake of my two lovely children but it's overwhelming.

My friend Malv/Andyroo showed me this site and I have been reading a bit and seeing that other people are dealing with the same feelings I am and more. This seems like a great community.


15-01-10, 23:12
Hi theory

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-01-10, 23:23
Hi theory,

I admire your determination to deal with your problems. Having been on meds for a few years i would love to be off them again and learning to cope without them. I have seen a counsellor for a while now and it has helped me more than i could have imagined. Keep it up, try every method you can find to reduce anxiety and keep them up, i'm sure you can do it!

16-01-10, 13:08
Theo, I would never take medication either, but after having bad panic/anxiety attacks due to events over the past three years or more I finally gave in and went to the doctor who put me on Ciprolax just before Christmas.
I must say its helping me a great deal, I have started calming down and the terrifying irrational thoughts invading my head are subsiding.

as my doctor said, we think nothing of taking medication to help our body...so why refuse medication to help our mind?

16-01-10, 15:11
For Lindor and Matt about the medication issue... I know meds can be a very good thing... in other people I'm usually encouraging them to take their meds and stay on their meds... and yet I really struggle with letting them into my own body.

I think I might need to post on the forums some time about my issues with meds and doctors... it's a big topic for me :S

Thank you everyone for the welcome. :)
