View Full Version : Stinging Eyes

16-01-10, 00:46
My eyes have been stinging last night. When i woke up this morning it's stinging again.

Is this a symptom of anxiety or just tired dry eyes?

I usually never get stinging eyes(not that i can remember) & it's strange i get it in the morning even before i turn on the computer for a day's work. Is this something i should worry about or nothing serious can come out of it?

16-01-10, 10:25
It could be anxiety, everyone has symptoms unique to them. Why don't you bathe your eyes in water that has been cooled after boiling and see if that refreshes them a wee bit? Or you could try the cold wet teabags and sit for a while. If this doesn't help you can always ask the pharmacist for their advice. Could even be something you're allergic to. Hope you get it sorted out soon. Doesn't sound anything serious though.

06-02-10, 21:40
I get this, it comes and goes. My eyes also water and get sore. My doctor and opticiians say my eyes are healthy, nothing wrong with them with good vision, yet i get this!! still don't know if it is yet another symptom. the blurry and twitching is enough to handle as it is!!! i need to know more about this!! Sometimes i have to stop what i'm doing just to go and sort my eyes out because they can just randomly water and sting to high heaven!! Please help someone!!!!!

06-02-10, 21:54
Bob ,you may have dry eyes ,Even tho the eyes get watery ,this can be caused by dry eyes .You can buy dry eye drops from Tescos or the chemists that will help with this .Anxiety also can cause these symptoms and maybe you need to speak to your Dr again about the twitchy eye problem ..All these symptoms are obviously making you more anxious .Its worth trying some things to at least alleviate some of them .Im sure once you accept its mainly due to the anxiety ,the other problems will dissapear ..Try to avoid too much caffeine alcohol and nicotine .And avoid smokey enviroments if you dont already ,as this will not help your stinging eyes ..Hope you feel better soon .Sue x

06-02-10, 22:05
Thank you sue. When i think about it all I'm sure it's all down to my anxiety. I tried the eye drop thing once but didn't seem to make any difference. I'v cut right back on caffine as i used to drink a lot of it and have cut right back an alcohol aswell, which is already making me feel better. I just got to try and stay calm. I wiil go back to the docs again if things don't improve. Thanks again x

07-02-10, 03:43
I don't really get the stinging eyes anymore, well not often that is. i think it IS anxiety. When your anxious brain focuses on another part of the body to worry & freak out over, then the existing symptom seems to vanish & is put on hold until the brain digs it up again. My ophthalmologist said my eyes look fine as well, besides some lesions inside the cornea but that should not cause any stinging.