View Full Version : Left my job - very anxious now

20-12-05, 16:55
Hi Guys,

Today I walked out of my job as I really just couldnt take anymore (I have worked there 5 years) its a long story but please believe I really had good reason to leave.
The thing is now that I am remebering last time I changed jobs and all the anxiety and new symptons that came, especially the skipped heartbeats and I am really scared! I really am on the edge of my seat just wating for something bad to happen - the stress of the job has made my symptons worse just lately anyway but I am one of those people who is only comfortable when I am in a routine and now everything just seems to have spiralled out of control and I hate it.
I am waking every day thinking I am going to die and the same every night before I go to sleep, I keep saying to myself I have got a bad feeling - which I am sure is real and I know something bad is going to happen to me! I hate this
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, has anyone been in similar situation and if so what did you do?

Angie x

polly a
20-12-05, 22:17
hi there angie,well it might seem all doom and gloom walking out of a job,but i think it is a really brave move to make if your not happy there,fair enough its thrown your routine out for the time being but you will get that routine back when you settle into another job,i should take a few week to get yourself together and see what path you want to go down,and try to relax well known fact as one door closes another one opens,try see the posotives there hard to spot but they arwe there good luck pollyxx

p appleyard

21-12-05, 00:26
hi angie i think you have done the best thing, dont think about what happened and dwell on it you have already started looking after youself by removing yourself from an unplesant situation. Give yorself a break, dont punish yourself that you are between jobs, try & enjoy the time, keep a routine and tell yourself - when the symptoms pop up that what you have done is for the best, that you deserve better and that the next new job will open new doors and horizons and all this is good.
I hope this helps a little, I do so admire you for having the courage to pack it in. a brand new chapter and a new start.

love sara

21-12-05, 10:49
Thank you both for taking the time so give some really good advice!
I appreciate very much and really take notice too. I am going to try and enjoy the christmas period and think about what might be after that....already got some application forms!
Does anyone find that thier symptons get a little worse near to Christmas anyway? I always find this every year?

Angie x

21-12-05, 11:07
Hi Angie.

Its always a tough decision to leave somewhere, even if its not right for you.

I agree about Christmas. It is a stressful time, whether you have difficulty at any other time of year or not! :) Try to relax as much as possible and remember Christmas is about appreciating what we do have and enjoying ourselves.

Well done on getting application forms already and good luck!


21-12-05, 12:41

Its normal to have heightened stress and worry when you are leaving one job and looking for a new one. We tend to notice every sensation that is perfectly normal in the average stress cycle and start to focus on it and then it grows from known stress to anxiety.

We've got a few more Christmas stress posts around already so have a look through those for tips during this most difficult time


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-12-05, 12:41
Hi Angie
Well done for leaving your job,
I too left my job early this month as I hated it, and believe that that was contributing to my anxiety returning.
I too am quite anxious about the future. I am trying to become a PCSO (police community support officer) and I want it so badly that no other job will do. So what with the worry about that and everything else no wonder my head is spinning (literally).
I have signed on to a few agencies and hopefully in Jan I will get some work (to pay the bills), then in Feb I should have my physical test for the police.
Any way well done again for being strong.

All the best for the future.


27-12-05, 22:04
Dear Angie,
Firstly, congratulations! You have definitiely done the right thing and have been very brave too - most people are too scared to quit and stay in jobs they hate for years.I I quit my job a few months ago, after having worked there for 4 and a half years. Everyone told me i was mad to leave, but it was the best thing i ever did. I took a few weeks off to just recharge and calm down and have been working on a freelance basis ever since. I am a lot poorer but a lot happier. I also worry about the future, (am i ever going to get another job? oh my god, i don't have a pension, what am i going to do?!? etc). But i am really trying to just focus on taking each day as it comes. You'll see that good things will start happening to you of their own accord.
Hope you had a good Christmas,
Henri x

27-12-05, 22:54
Hi Angie,

You have had some excellent feedback so far, good for you!! I am off sick from my job and have no intentions of returning. Not because I don't like it but because of the panics and agoraphobia, I just cannot. While I am still employed It hangs over me like a big black cloud but the huge sense of reliefI get from not going to work is priceless.

I truly hope that like Henri you can use this time to recharge your batteries and keep calm. Be kind to yourself you deserve it.

Good luck with the new job applications. All the best for a happy new year with this brand new chapter.

from an anxious comrade!!! Louisa

01-01-06, 19:00
Again, thanks for all the replies! You are a great bunch :D
I am still a little worried about what I am going to do as my bank balance is looking really bad and I still have lots of other bills to pay too....I feel really out of control as even if I get another job now, I wont get a wage until the end of the month probably, and that would be way too late...arrrgggghhhhh.
I do believe I done the right thing leaving my job though it really was'nt doing me any good staying there and I do feel a huge sence of relief knowing that I do not have to go back....ever again!!! YESSSSSSSSS
But back to reality, bills wont pay themselves!
My anxiety still has a huge hold over me too in all that I do so I am worrying all the time about everything, when I first wake up, last thing on my mind before I go to bed-just worrying about what I am going to do and also with this constant health anxiety too - I really want 2006 to be different to the last 5 years but I can't stop torturing myself with the terrible thoughts of whats going to happen to me, slightest little ache or pain, ectopic heartbeats I just keep freaking out! I always have a feeling of impending doom.....
Anyway I am going to see about a job tomorrow but is much less than I was being paid before but at the moment anything is better than nothing
Thanks again
Angie x