View Full Version : toilet question

16-01-10, 11:53
hi again does anyones stool look as though it has a reddy tinge after drinking red wine im obsessed with thinking i can see blood in mine anyone else make their life a misery with the same problem

16-01-10, 13:12
Could be red wine...but even if it is tinged with blood sometimes, many people get this. If it's red it will be piles or sometimes a small fissure.

Blood from inside us would be black by the time it is passed in faeces

16-01-10, 20:52
Hi, Yes, red wine can discolour your poo. Once I ate alot of beetroot and I nearly passed out when I went to the toilet. Thought I was a goner but then I remembered what I ate. I also have a frissure ( which is just a cut up your bum which never really heals )so sometimes i actually do bleed. :)))))

16-01-10, 21:14
What you eat can colour your poo, but I am tee total so don't know about red wine. Beetroot is one of the primary offenders and can even colour your urine. There is one easy way to find out in your case, don't drink red wine for a few days and see what happens to the colour, then introduce it again and see if it has an affect !

16-01-10, 22:18
I was living overseas some years ago and there was a huge scare on tv and all over the papers about children exibiting symptoms of rectal bleeding. Terrified mothers were ringing hotlines..everything.

It turned out that a well know cereal..called something like..Strawberry puffs or something like that..was the culprit. It contained large doses of red colour. more than would ever be allowed in this country. Anyway..

The long and short of it is that..yes..colour in drinks and foodstuffs effect what passes through your system and I can tell you that red wine is a big one!

17-01-10, 16:23
thankyou all for your replies dont know what id do without your reassurance:yesyes:

17-01-10, 19:36

My stools are really dark after drinking red wine! I did google it, and its quite common.

Sorry for the TMI, but mine are all sorts of colours depending on what I have eaten/drunk throughout the week!

17-01-10, 21:50
its a very common question that is asked on here. I think it is down to us all worrying about our health so much that we tend to check for things that come out of our bodies such as feces and urine, as a way to see if we are health.

all that it seems to do is further irratate our mental vulnerabilties and makes us worry more, when things seem slightly not normal.

18-01-10, 11:15
Couldn't agree more, jimlfc6. It is our anxieties that make us scrutinise and analyse anything that comes out of our bodies so closely! People who are confident with their health probably don't even look and don't give these issues a second thought.

18-01-10, 13:02
your both right so thats why im making an effort and trying not to look down the toilet because i believe if you look hard enough you can see things that are not actually there but im finding it a struggle not to look but im determined to stop this habit thanks fot your replies

18-01-10, 14:14
I think that's very sound advice to yourself Bronte, although I know very well that it's very hard not to look and scrutinise everything that's in the toilet pan (sorry for that!). But if we try and get into the habit of not looking and not worrying I believe that some peace of mind will eventually follow.

18-01-10, 17:51
its honestly best not to look, u will feel awkward at first but it soon becomes normal.

its like a OCD problem in a way, that you feel as if you have to do something or check something.

18-01-10, 19:22
I am going to NOT LOOK now!! All I do is send myself into a blind panic anyway!

29-01-10, 13:45
sorry for delay in replying thankyou so much for your advice everyone and i think we have all agreed STOP LOOKING :yesyes:

29-01-10, 14:15
I drink loads of blackcurrant cordial and my poop is always dark because of this. Very normal if you drink red drinks or eat things like beetroot etc

Cell block H fan
29-01-10, 14:27
I know you said you're not going to look again, but if you ever have a night on the Wkd blues alcopops, have a look at the colour the next time you go after that LOL!