View Full Version : Panic attack out of nowhere :(

16-01-10, 12:01

I have been on flouxentine for a few months now and haven't had a panic attack for a while, then all of a sudden this morning BAM out of nowhere it only lasted about 5 mins but it was awful (as we all know) I have had a blip for the last few weeks but seemed to be getting better. The doc has said that if I felt OK about it I can up the dosage to 40 but I'm worried about this because of the side effects, (just had an awful time when I first went on Flouxentine) In the afternoon and evenings I feel normal and believe I shouldn't increase the dosage but mornings are different.

I know setbacks are part of the recovery but this is so frustrating. I was doing so well :(


16-01-10, 12:14
It sounds like you are doing great.

I remember when I recovered from a cycle of panic attacks that I'd go for several weeks without one, and then all of a sudden I'd get one randomly. As time goes on, you'll soon not even remember what a panic attack is!