View Full Version : in a panic today

16-01-10, 12:33
Hi all dont really know what i expect back just need to rant, i have woke up this morning with a twitch in between my fingers that is making my thumb move, its isnt constant but is quite regular. Although i know i have had this before i cant help but panic and go mad over it. I am so down today and irriatable and to make things worse ive got my kids on my own as my hubbie is working away for today. I am so inpatient with them and its really upsetting to me but i cant help it. I have just let them spend all morning upstairs on the x box and playstation because its an easy option for me. I really need to sort my head out today but cant seem to stop obsessing over the twitch in my finger
sorry to rant and i know im becoming boring but its either i tell you or my 11 year old son lol.

16-01-10, 12:41
just to let you know my husband who doesnt have anxiety had that last night when coming to bed his thumb was moving involuntary everywhere he just laughed and he healthy honestly:D

16-01-10, 12:44
Hello Rebecca, sounds as though everything's getting on top of you. We all feel like that sometimes. The twitch sounds absolutely harmless, we all get twitches sometimes, they're more annoying than anything else. When we are stressed we tend to zone in on one particular thing and that's what happening with you - we've all been there so don't worry. I think at times like this it's definitely down to distraction - find something to do to take your mind off it. It's the only way. Even tidy a cupboard (boring, I know) but your mind will drift off and you'll relax a bit. Please try not to worry.

16-01-10, 12:47
thanks myra and julia, i know what your saying and i am trying to distract myself its just i feel so irriatable everytime the kids talk to me or want something im so snappy its not their fault but i just want to be alone today. :-(

16-01-10, 12:56
Hi rebeccad,
Yes i have it the other way around today, the wife is at work and i have got the kids at home with me so i know exactly how you feel. When i'm feeling the way you do i dare not go on the xbox or playstation as it just winds me up even more, and very quickly too. I hardly play them anyway, jusy as well really. Hope you feel better soon, Regards Wayne.

16-01-10, 13:15
hi wayne i have not been on the x box the kids have i wouldnt even know how to turn it on lol, i just feel so guilty that i have left them on it all morning. :-(

16-01-10, 13:21
Hello Rebecca,
I know exactly what you mean there. Two of mine have gone up town the other is on the xbox, and i'm ...... Yes you guessed it,,on the PC. Thing is Rebecca when you feel like this you have to take a little time out to yourself, because right now if my kids were all moaning at me too, i'm not sure i could cope to well, and that's being honest, i would be very snappy. So you see it's probably best to leave them to it if their contented. Sometimes you have to give yourself a little consideration to help hold it together, Regards Wayne.

16-01-10, 13:29
Hi again Rebecca,
Forgot to say, for what it is worth i only learned to turn the xbox on last week, been on it twice i think. Best to be like you and not know how to even turn it on. All video games do these days is wind me up further.
Are you feeling any better? I hope you are. Regards Wayne.

16-01-10, 13:33
Hi there,
Ive had this before but it was my little finger that kept twitching it lasted for a number of days than went away. It was really awful and I was so worried but like the other posts have told you try to keep occupied and take your mind away. It really isnt anything to worry about. take care.

16-01-10, 16:35
thanks tasia, i know what your saying ive had it before its just i feel so overwelmed today and everything is really getting to me. I sometimes have this horrible thought and i hate myself for thinking this that i never got married and had kids because they deserve so much more than a mother that is constantly snappy or worried. Its odd because yesterday i was ok we had a great day.

16-01-10, 18:46
Hi Rebecca,
sometimes at night my mind goes through the exact same thing about if i had not got married, had children, they deserve better etc, etc, but i think that is all just part of my depression and anxiety. I know the worst thing about it is, there such toturous thoughts, i had them bad for about 2 months, really bad. I tore myself apart with them thoughts at times, they really can make you hurt inside and i think they make you get more lost inside yourself. I could'nt make them go away but in time they did subside. Talking to people really does help, infact i often wonder if it is the best therapy of all. Take my advice it's best not to dwell on them thoughts, they always made me feel much worse, Regards Wayne.

16-01-10, 18:57
Hi rebecca...ur not having a good day today are u hun!....i get those twitchs from time to time and they soon pass. I hte it when im snappy with my son for no reason and i feel terrible for the rest of the day :ohmy: Its never easy is it. I have found a way to occupy my mind though and it seems to be working....i just keep myself busy all day by cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing.....etc....(u could eat out my toilet) and in the evening i settle down to wathc tv or come on nmp. Hope you find something thats works for you hun. xx

16-01-10, 19:02
no im really not lol cant actually wait till i can go to bed, i am actually starting to think wine is making me depressed as i had a bottle last night and woke up today feeling really down, dont get me wrong i dont drink alot only at weekends but a lightbulb just came on and made me think perhaps there is a connection. I also try the distraction but sometimes i just cant be bothered to do anything im completley obsessed about my house being spotless and if i cant smell bleach or cleaning products im not happy, so when im having a cant be bothered day i feel even more down that i havnt done any cleaning, god i know i sound mad lol just one of those days, im sure tomorrow will be better my little son has got a footie match so ill be watching him and i always forget about everything when he is playing.
thanks for the reply xx

16-01-10, 20:07
Hi Hun sorry to hear you are having a crappy day :( mine isnt great either buzzing foot for the past 2 days. Its driving me MAD!!

I always find that if i drink wine my twitching & anxiety is awful, def think its a trigger for me but im not drinking at the mo obviously & its still bad ahhhhhhhhhhhh

hope you feel better tomorrow & have a nice time at the game xx

18-01-10, 09:41
Hi Rebeccad,
Dont be so hard on yourself, us mums all have days when we feel like that. When you suffer with anxiety and have children its very very hard especially when you are not feeling very well in yourself. I bet you are a great mum. Take it easy and hope you feel better soon x