View Full Version : Anemia?

16-01-10, 13:15
Because i dropped out of school so early was because of how weak and tired i got and when time passed i started getting more tired then started getting dizzy and faint. So thats when i was introjuced to panic so i left.. do you think this could be because of anemia?

My mum says its a possibility but i just want to find out whats wrong with me, can anyone tell me what they know about anemia. Because i dont think my symptoms are all down to anxiety.

16-01-10, 13:21
Anemia could cause you to feel weak and tired, and if it's really bad, even dizzy. Could you be referred to a haematologist who can tell you for sure?

16-01-10, 13:39
Ive suffered with anemia on and off for years. It makes you feel tired, weak and breathless also can cause your hair to fall out. A simple blood test at the doctor will tell you if you have anemia or not its nothing to worry about you will just have to take iron tablets for a couple of weeks to make you feel better. In the past when ive had anemia my anxiety was always worse.

16-01-10, 13:40
tasia, that is interesting about your anx feeling worse when you have been anaemic. Did anyone explain why at all?

16-01-10, 15:44
Read my recent post, its causing me agarophobia. Today was the last day im leaving the house. :weep: i cant do it anymore its too much.

16-01-10, 19:40
I had very bad anaemia a couple of years ago, from menstrual problems. It obviously came upon me very slowly, and wasn't a sudden change, so it crept up rather than heralded a change! By the time I went to the doctor, and he took blood tests for a count, I was feeling very low. I was breathless and this made me panicky, I was totally exhausted and felt emotionally very low. Any activity left me fatigued and on the last week before I started taking iron tabs it felt like I had permanent flu. Every time I stood up I would get a 'head rush' and feel light-headed and then feel my heart thumping.

This certainly affected my mood, how could it not ? Although I was neither depressed or in an anxious state...I am certain that anaemia can make anxiety disorders worse. There is no harm in getting a blood test done, it is quick and easy, just to be sure. Anaemia is also easily rectified !

16-01-10, 22:13
i too have been thinking the same as you. im having a full blood count done on wed which i am dreading x

18-01-10, 09:46
Hi There,
Carys post says it all really, enemia makes you feel horrible and I think that is what makes the anxiety worse, once you start taking the iron tablets it makes you feel so much better.

18-01-10, 12:20
I to got anaemia from period related doings! my blood was 4, i have meds for high blood pressure so thought something was wrong as i got headrush and dizzy. the nurse made an appointment for me with GP who gave me a blood test, turns out i was quite bad, i sat and cried, it seemed it wasnt the anxiety only! cos that was what i was blaming for feeling so low and sad. Anaemia can cause breathlessness as well, they listened to my heart and it was making up for the lack of haemaglobin, so even there was reassurance that my heart was good and thats what i hold on to!! I can honestly say the GP told me you can feel depressed when your anaemic and low, not yourself, that is why most people are diagnosed when they visit the gp and tell them this, its one of the first things they look at.
I took iron 3 times a day and blood got up to 16 which is very good, and then i reduce to 2 a day, but ive stopped 2 and take one, apart from when im due on and on, i dont know how long i will have to take if for but i think if you look on the info sheet inside it says one is used to prevent.

long post sorry!!! but i always say to everyone now Get Your Blood Checked!!

18-01-10, 13:04
Thanks Julie, what is this about the heart? Could mine give up..

18-01-10, 18:19
Could mine give up..

NO, but if you are very anaemic it has to work harder to cope with the lack of oxygenated blood and can beat faster or you can get palpitations.

Have you managed to make an appointment for a bloodcount to be done yet Ruby ?

19-01-10, 03:52
Ruby , Relax . Go get a blood test to determine if it is anemia , and if it is they will tell you what kind it is . Microsytic ( few and small red blood corpuscles) , hypochromic ( reduced hemoglobin) , hemoglobin are oxygen carrying pigments which are rich in iron. Anemia in uwomen is a very common occurence .. mensturation and the loss of blood can cause an iron deficiency. Try increase your iron intake through supplementation you should get around 15-20 mg's of iron daily. It could be virtually any vitamin you are deficient in.. are you eating enough protein? Protein is also vital in the formation of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscles.

If you are not taking a multivitamin already, i suggest you do so ... 2 a day is sufficient. Eat healthy... Nutrition is the most important aspect of health.

19-01-10, 08:09
why dont you try taking some multiv vits and see if that works :) couldnt hurt

19-01-10, 10:21
I think what jue was saying is that her heart was having to work harder - but that because her heart was healthy it could cope.

Your heart has to work harder when you are climbing the stairs after all.