View Full Version : Adrenalin rush

16-01-10, 14:21
I posted a couple of days ago about a weird sensation when I go to bed starts about 5 mins after I lay down and i described it as a falling feeling without moving. Have had it before over the years so know its not sinister but very unpleasant.
It did it again last night and I think its an adrenalin rush as the sensation starts in my middle and shoots up to head - think if someone gives you a bad shock you get that awful feeling in your middle of the adrenalin rush and sinking feeling.
does anyone know what i mean - maybe they get it during the day. I have had it when very nervous during the day say before a medical proceedure or exam.

16-01-10, 15:38
Hi country girl!
I often get this and its usually as i am drifting off to sleep after a particularly stressful day. The only explaination i can think is that my body is a bit shocked by the sudden feeling of relaxation after a period of high tension. It makes more sense to me than any other theory. Also, i know alot of people with anxiety who get this!! Hope this helps. xxx

23-01-10, 21:43
Hi countrygirl
my son does this and is now staying up all night because he relates the feeling to sleep :huh:, but it also happens before he has a panic attack.

23-01-10, 21:59
Hi Countrygirl.

Yes, I know the feeling well. Ugh! Occasionally I have had it repeatedly throughout the night. Just dozing off and then I get it or I wake up and get it. I put it down to overtiredness. It always seems to come when I kind of go beyond the too tired point and instead of drifting off smoothly I know I'm in for a night of this rotten stuff.

I know of people who also get it during the day.

Wishing you well

24-01-10, 00:47
Me too. It's pretty disturbing and am guessing all part of being anxious. Its not nice at all.

24-01-10, 07:28

lol this happens to me all the time.

This post has helped me to realise what that is!

I didnt even know, i just thought i was weird:yahoo:.

so see it does happen to other people apparently i dont think its anything to worry about :hugs: