View Full Version : Constantly Dizzy/off-balance/rocky

16-01-10, 16:39
Hi, been feeling really dizzy and off balance now for several weeks and for the past week there as been no let up....its constant! Its a kind of mixture of dizziness and off balance!! I cannot sit for long as i feel like i am sat in a rowing boat on choppy waters, when i am stood it feels as if someone is pulling the rug from under my feet or as if i am on one of those moving floors you find in fun houses -although THIS is NO FUN!!
I just do not think this is directly related to anxiety. I went to see my doctor, he took my blood pressure and said it was low, he then asked me to stand, took it again and was surprised to see it dropped even lower. He is sending me for blood tests to rule out diabetes, aneamia and check my thyroid which is borderline underactive anyway (and as been for several years) I am usually the first to blame my anxiety but this time i am not convinced, my life is better than ever, i am more settled than i have been in a long time and was hoping to start trying for baby No2.
I do feel as if these symptoms are causing my anxiety to re-surface where as its usually my anxiety that causes the symptoms!!

16-01-10, 16:47
Hi Pink

I think your doctor was right to do bloods because you are getting no rest from this at all.

If something does show up then it's probably a good thing because he can give you something to stop making you feel so awful. :hugs:

I hope you feel better very soon hun!


16-01-10, 16:49

Has he checked to see if you have an inner ear infection?
This can cause similar symptoms.

16-01-10, 17:53
Hi there,
I have been suffering with this for 3 years now. I had labrynthitis way back 3 years ago now & got a bout of it again last Aug.
The only way to describe it is like im swaying backwards & forwards. My head also feels very heavy with it, like i have a brick on it. This was what started my HA off 3 years ago so when it flares up i freak out. I have been to see 2 ENT's & they have basically shrugged it off which made me so angry. I do know an inner ear problem such as this can takes week to clear up & sometimes never goes away.

Im no doctor but it sounds like an inner ear disorder which Lisa correctly pointed out & if so a drug called stemitil (prochlorperazine) works a treat!

All i know is when im stressed i get flare ups, so try & relax but keep active. By keeping active your brain learns to comepensate with the inbalancement & corrects itself- it retrains yor balance mechanism again if you like.

Not a nice thing to have i can so sympathise with you!

Nic xx

21-01-10, 01:33
nickieb, thanks so much for posting this....I have had labs for about a year and its actually what started my HA because they had no idea what was wrong with me for several months. My original ENT told me to google it when he told me what I had! Argggh.

21-01-10, 01:46
I feel like this quite a lot. It's horrible, but I'm starting to just accept it for what it is. When it happens I just acknowledge it, then let it pass, I try not to freak out about it as I've done this in the past, ended up in tears and ultimitly feeling worse.

Hope you feel better soon.

22-01-10, 10:31
BOTTLE BLONDE-- To be honest my doctor did not check my ears this time, although he has in the past and as found nothing! xx

NICKIEB-- What tests do they do for Labrynthitis?? the doctor as looked in my ears with his torch before but never found anything. Is this how it is discovered?? I have some stemitil but to be honest it isnt really having any affect so i havent bothered taking them!!

ELLA_JAYNE-- I honestly cannot sit back and put up with this, i never will be able to!! especially when its as bad as this, i have three year old son, a house and job to take care of and at the minute i am dizzy ALL THE TIME!!! i cannot even rest as this makes it worse. I feel as if i cannot cope any longer!!!! (i wouldnt do anything drastic...maybe just be-head myself- haha)

My blood results have shown up clear but i have made another appointment for Monday (it is now friday n i am dreading the weekend) as i feel that my blood pressure issue as been overlooked.
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::h ugs:

22-01-10, 10:42
Yes i have exactly the same, sometimes it clears for a few weeks, no sign of it at all, and then it comes back again. I have had it for about three years. I had lots of hospital tests and nothing found. I think it's now down to the depression and anxiety as i get it more i think when i'm down. Do you also feel thick headed with it?

22-01-10, 10:49
Yes i do feel thick/heavy headed this time round! I am exhausted and I have no motivation as it is so bad!! do we really have to put up with this forever??

Neesh X
22-01-10, 17:54
Hi pinkpiglet
I have been feeling the same over the last few weeks and if you generally feel anxious this is another unfortunate symptom. For your own peice of mind let the doc continue with the tests but im sure youll find its due to your anxiety. I am dealing with it much better and its much less fruequent now i have accepted what it its,
i hope you start to feel better soon:)