View Full Version : men...

16-01-10, 16:49
only been on meds for a week now and told my partner about them a couple of days ago. he knew i felt down and have been having panic attacks and seeing a psychologist but don't think he knew how down i felt.
anyway...at first i dont think he knew what to say...then sort of ignored the subject but was a bit more sensitive around me and then last night he went in a bit of a mood with me...i think it was more to do with the fact that 'i wasnt in the mood' but it really got to me...i mean i feel crappy enough as it is without him sayin "when will the meds kick in".
any one had similar problems? or know how to solve the issue?

16-01-10, 16:53

Sometimes because people havent experienced anx/depression ect, they can't seem to understand it or how it makes us feel so they tend to try to ignore it rather than deal with it. (if you know what i mean)

Maybe sit down and have a heart to heart, ask him if there is anything he would like to ask you. Ask him how he feels about it.

Sometimes just a little understanding on both sides is all that is needed to break down the wall.

Good luck hun

17-01-10, 03:43
maybe he felt rejected?
sometimes peoples issues with you are actually about themselves.
I get ignored* even by my closest friend, at times when i feel depressed, she doesn't know what to say so she says noting.

17-01-10, 14:55
thanks for your help guys...:) i think it maybe a bit because he doesnt know how to react cos he was fine with me last night! i am just a bit embarrased talkin about my feelings to anyone really. and i think he may be thinking its him partly makin me feel down...i have told him its not at all but i dunno if he beleives me...we seem okay atm anyway! X

17-01-10, 14:57
yes me ,still do its hard for them to understand what we are going through if we had a fall they would pick us up and give us a cuddle ,but this they cant see ,,