View Full Version : Head swimming

16-01-10, 20:32
Does anyone else get to the point where you just want it all to stop? I don't mean in that way but I just wish I could clear my head. I'm constantly thinking and analysing and worrying,and it never stops. I don't do anything at all, even though I'm at Uni. I'm scared to be around my flatmates and I don't see my friends every day. I miss home and want a hug from my mum and wontget one til I see her on Wed and I'm sitting crying. I haven't done anything constructive at all today other than tidy my room. Counselling is good but I'm still worrying, When I speak to her, I don't say things in any order I just speak as I'm thinking and I get so confused. What she says gets me even more confused and I spend my life trying to understand my thoughts and things like that. I'm really unhappy tonight and my mind's racing - and I already anticipate tommorow will be even worse. I've got exams and assingments too that are stressing me out. I'm also worried about something else but I really don't want to say that on here and don't have anyone to talk to (nothing majorly bad, I promise, just sheer embarrassment). I'm so tired I wish I could relax but I don't know how. please help.

magpie girl
16-01-10, 20:46
Hello daisycake,sorry to hear your going through such a rough patch.When you go to your councilor just write down everything you want to say during the week.Unload your thoughts on to the paper then just close the page and forget about it till you see her.Everyone over thinks things at some point in there lives but those of us with anxiety tend to do too much thinkingmost of the time.Take a break from the studys and try and do something you enjoy like listen to music,have a long soak in the bath anything other than trying to study when ur over loading your brain.:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

19-03-10, 20:32
i HATE thinking.

thats my main problem - i think too much.