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View Full Version : Panic and Anxiety attacks

19-07-03, 14:33
Hello, I am Amanda.Harrison and I am married. I live in Surrey and would like to hear from other Ladies who suffer from Panic attacks. I have been on Beta-blockers but have come off them but just recently have had a couple of really nasy panic attacks. I also have a fear of death and the dentists as well. I am into Reflexology and Aromatherapy. I live at home and care for Hugh my Disabled Hubby. He has Osteo-Arthritis of the spine ,hips and knees and also now partially sighted. My Family are very cold towards me and seem to not care at all.I admit I am a born worry guts which does not help.I find at night I go to sleep then wake in the night with all sorts of fears. Please email amanda_hughh@hotmail.com Thank-you regards Amanda.Harrison

Amanda. Harrison

19-07-03, 21:34
Hi Amanda

Welcome to the site. There are quite a few of us that suffer from Panic attacks so I am sure you will hear from a few of them :-)

Sorry to hear that you suffer too but there is a lot of help out there and we all support each other here too.

Hope you have had time to look around the site and found some help from it and also this message board contains all sorts of help and advise.

Welcome aboard!


19-07-03, 22:32
Hi Amanda
Im from Surrey too. Ive had panic attacks for just over a year. They drive me crazy and I let them take over my life to the extent that I am now partially agoraphobic (depending on how I feel at the time and the situation). I am still taking medication and attending an anxiety management course. Im pretty much afraid of anything that involves me leaving the house. (I sound pretty nuts I know but im not). Anyway ive improved so much from how I was at the beginning, so I guess im trying to let you know you arent alone!!!
anytime u want to email me feel free. sarahsarah100@hotmail.com


20-07-03, 18:05
Hi Amanda - I suffer with panic attacks too - there are lots of us! Just a quick note really, to let you know that whilst your family are "cold" and may not understand your panic/phobias, there are lots of us here who do understand and who are in the same boat.

Feel free to e-mail me Amanda: J.C.Hocking@wlv.ac.uk. I am naughty however, as I do not check my e-mails as often as I should - it is definately on my list of New Years Resolutions!!

21-07-03, 14:34
Hi Amanda,

I have suffered for nearly 2.5 years with them but have recently decided that if I dont really start making an effort to confront the things that cause them, I'll be stuck with them for life - thats why I did an 8 miles drive on Sunday - I havent driven for nearly 2 years I felt that good about it, I drove to work in rush hour traffic this morning, both journeys have been with friends / parnter in the car but its a start, like I always say the feel good factor only lasts for so long - it's making sure we get the next fix before it wears off - or we foget how good it really is.



21-07-03, 15:51
Congratulations Shelley - doesn't it feel good when you have achieved something you haven't done for years! I agree with you too - that you ought to TRY and confront/challenge the areas that cause you the anxiety/panic.

I have been involved in a band for 6-7 years - we have played all over the country and regularly have too attend and particpate in competitions which are judged by adjudicators and are aired on television stations. I really DID enjoy the buzz of playing in competions and infront of large crowds but when my panic attacks developed, May 2002, I started to back away from the band/competitions - something which, deep down, I really really enjoyed.

It isn't until recently that I thought - this is silly, avoiding something that I love. I avoided the situation because I believed I would make a fool of myself by having a panic attack on stage - guess what - It hasn't happened. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel anxious - but my worst fear, that been a panic attack, has not (touch wood) happened.

Take care all

Jo x

22-07-03, 12:50
wow, Jo! That sounds amazing. Must feel good to focus your energy on something you love. Are you playing anywhere at the moment?
I can't play any instruments- and wish I could!
You're right- avoiding situations isn't good- but it's so hard not to!
well done- hope the panic stays away,
love Joanne x

22-07-03, 17:19
Hi Joanne - I am playing in Ireland in August in a competition - scary! I agree, its very easy for someone to say - "confront your fears, don't shy away from them" - but it is definately easier said than done. It took me a long time to sit on a stage infront of an audiene - probably about 7 months!

I suppose what I am trying to say is work slowly towards something - small steps.

Take care Jo

Jo x

22-07-03, 18:02
Dear Jo,

..Excellent ! Now you get to turn any more feelings of fear into excitement.

Fear and excitement are exactly the same emotion with the same body reactions - it's just our perception and subsequent reaction that differentiates them.:)

23-07-03, 22:34
Hi. I don't suffer with PA's as such i.e. about going a certain place, doing a certain thing, its more a constant state of anxiety and its taking over my daily life. I walk around in a daze like state, sometimes not hearing what people are talking to me about, my skin/face feels constantly "tingly", ive read the description of a feeling of "heightened consciousness". I worry costantly about EVERYTHING. I can't seem to hold convesations which involve me replying more than twice, get all tongue tied and say the most ridiculous things, or even worse just look blank. It's affecting the way I am with my kids, more and more I'm sitting them in front of the TV as finding it hard to even be "real" with them - sometimes they do the silliest things I want to laugh out loud but CAN'T, my face goes all funny and tence. I think I've forgotten how to relax and laugh but I so want to. Does anyone relate to this?


24-07-03, 11:25
thanks Jo - I still feel really nervous in the car but I need to do it for me, over the last month or so I have started to get quite angry about it all and stopped with the "why me whinging" I enjoy life and have always been able to do and go where ever I wanted - I'm building up the driving in the hope that I'll be able to go on motorways (cant even go on as a passenger at the moment) thats the only thing that really bothers me anymore - but one junction at a time will solve it!!! x


10-05-07, 13:13
hi amanda i too suffer from panic attacks im currently having cbt {cognitive behavioural therapy} it realy helps. ive been doing it since xmas and would advise everybody who has panic attacks or anxiety to try and do it.

feel free to email me and add me 2 msn



ur not alone xx