View Full Version : Blood in stool... terrified!!

16-01-10, 22:09
So for a couple of weeks I've been noticing red spots in my stool and I'm scared! I told my mom about it and she immediately said "it's colon cancer!" I know it's my mom and she's over dramatic, but it still scared the crap out of me!

So I Googled it and now it seems like I have a ton of my symptoms! I have bouts of diarrhea and constipation, I ALWAYS have abdominal discomfort (I've seen doctors about it thinking it was a reproductive problem, but they dismissed it.), I've always had a very loud gurgling stomach, and now I see red spots in my poo AND I occasional have very dark (almost black) poo which is another sign of intestinal bleeding.

The only thing that's keeping me semi calm is the fact that I'm 20 years old and colon cancer is rare in young adults... but I still can't ignore the symptoms. I'm so scared... it's all I can think about. I was supposed to hang out with friends tonight but now I'm all anxious. I'm seeing a doctor next week but that seems so far away...

Has anyone ever had these symptoms and NOT had colon cancer?? Anything to reassure me...? Please? :weep:

16-01-10, 22:33
Just replied to another poster with same type of symptoms. Let me try and find the post and send it to you.
xx Rozie

16-01-10, 22:37
Check out: Bronte..Toilet Question on Health Anxiety.

17-01-10, 00:11
yes but i didnt drink wine or eat red cereal =/

17-01-10, 00:28
indigested food can be found in stools - like tomatoes

is it red blood?

17-01-10, 00:31
Could be anything. Think about all the foods with red in them - many of the foods our bodies have trouble digesting are red... tomato skin, capsicum, beetroot.

The blood doctors refer to as being more indicative of colon cancer is generally black or deep dark red, not the normal red colour. Keep that in mind...

Also, you're 20 years old. Does your family have a history of colon cancer? By that, I mean did either of your parents or a sibling get colon cancer before the age of 50?

You have as much chance of winning the lottery at your age as you do of having colon cancer. Go buy a lottery ticket and stop obsessing over your stools.

That was a very cruel thing for your mother to say.

17-01-10, 00:43
This could be I.B.S or inflamed tissue slightly bleeding inside when a stool passes through it.My husband lost a lot of weight very quickly about 2 years ago and had all sorts of terrible symptoms relating to his bowels,we were worried sick for ages and the day he went to hospital for the camera up his backside I was a jibbering idiot.I didn't show him that though and luckily he went private so he had his own room and if he had seen me waiting for him pacing up and down he would have convinced himself he had the big C,luckily though he had chrohns disease and very severe inflammation and this is how it goes.The bowel is a complex organ and there are quite a few conditions that mimic horrible things,the only thing to do is wait until it's doctor time and stop stressing.I know it's easier said than done but whatever it is can be and will be treated successfully.Look at us thinking he had it but he didn't,we had weeks of terrible worry and we can't get that time back so good luck and let us know how you get on.xxxx

17-01-10, 00:58
yeah OP I went through the whole "I have blood on my stool" thing 10 years ago, and went to the doctor and the doctor's face went pale, and I was sent to a specialist, and the specialist put the camera up there, and said "nah, its just irritation. You have IBS. Try not to strain."

Of course, its always prudent to have these things checked, and I'd advise that you do. But try try try not to jump to conclusions. Easier said than done, I know.

17-01-10, 01:07
oh yes OP and very dark poo is a big IBS speciality. sometimes you get dark and light in the same sitting. I'm sorry, it always amuses me..I guess we have to make the best of our situation don't we?

17-01-10, 10:00
Hi, Its probably a frissure ( small cut up bum ). Ive got one. Had it for over 15 years. Anytime I push a bowel movement and am a little constipated I bleed. I was told bright red blood on the outside of a stool is usually a frissure. It never heals properly as its so moist up there ( gross, I know ). I VERY much doubt you have cancer. My husband also has the same issue as me. Very common. Adelle.x

17-01-10, 16:20
i know what your going through i went to the doctors recently with red bits in my poo the doctor assured me it was internal piles i went for a colonoscopy 2 years ago for dark red bleeding and that was also internal piles so dont worry you havent got cancer im obsessed with looking down the toilet and told my doctor this and she advised me not to look down the toilet just flush it away so thats what im trying to do.You go to the doctors see what they say it will be a little tear or piles then dont look down the toilet again its hard it will be hard i no but try:bighug1:big hug

28-09-17, 08:32
Hey there, i too have the same issue. But i have blood on stool for almost many years when i was about 16 or 17 years old. And now i am turning 20 and 4 months ago i had bleeding when i poop. Bright red color of cause, and also and pile hanging out my anus. So i decided it was time for me to visit a doctor. So she checked my ass, and she said i do have an internal pile that has protruded.
And she gave me medicine to help soften my stool. Then i had this on and off blood on stool since than. And ive googled every single time i see streaks of red blood on the surface of my stool, i just couldn't help myself panicking. Even i know is due to my hemorhoids but i still tell myself it's something serious. And i do have brownish/redish/yellowish discharge covering my stool sometimes. And also is due to pile, i am guessing correct? i am still worried as f**k. My ass give me tons of fears everytime i visit the loo. I would just peek to see if there's any blood in there. It's really driving me crazy.Visiting forums and trying to get some replies. But no one really bothers.
Cancer just dive in my mind, everytime. I know i am over-concerning about my anus. But i really can't stop this stupid anxiety thing. Just to say, you're not alone either.


28-09-17, 09:54
oh yes OP and very dark poo is a big IBS speciality. sometimes you get dark and light in the same sitting. I'm sorry, it always amuses me..I guess we have to make the best of our situation don't we?

This ^^ Obviously a doc will check you out properly at your appointment, but I'd keep in mind how bad symptoms of conditions like IBS can appear. What this poster describes is my experience too. If I was "looking" for possible cancer symptoms I might think I had two different kinds of C from one visit to the toilet sometimes.