View Full Version : wow i managed a full shop!!!

16-01-10, 22:24
i was intending on doing my shopping on line last night to be delivered today but it was fully booked and i started to panic a little. for some reason i thought to myself 'sod it I AM going to go and do my shopping myself' (even though i had to drive 15 miles away to a 24hr tesco lol) got there at 10.15pm and got back in the car at 11.40pm!! my daughter came with me whos 8 but knowing she did not have school today i was ok with her coming. i had a few 'dizzy and off balance' spells but on the whole i was not too bad!!! i even had to wait in a massive que (1 person serving and 2 people with trolly full each in front of me) my shopping came to just over £100 :ohmy: so i had loads. was worried about standing in the que at first but then just stood there and thought what the heck!!

i must say im quite proud of myself dont know if you had noticed lol!!!

thing is i wonder why sometimes i feel i cant even leave my house then others i can do things like i did last night????

anxiety is a very weird thing!!


16-01-10, 22:42
well done mummy4
its funny isnt it how some days you can do so much then another your terrified to go out the door.
make the most of the good days i do, i find im better at night times too especially in supermarkets.less packed.
i can tell your proud of yourself and so you should be xxx

16-01-10, 22:47
Keep on building on these moments when you feel brave for no apparent reason. I am delighted to hear this positive story because it will help so many others on here.

The great thing is . Now even if you have a not so great day at some point, you can refer to this experience and know in your heart that you did it once so you can and WILL do it again.

I love how you describe the 'what the hell' attitude you adopted. Like you had just got fed up with being fed up almost. Congratulations. Your story has done me the world of good.


16-01-10, 22:51
:yesyes: - don't you just love the days when you bite the bullet and do the scary things?!

go you!! xx

margaret jones
16-01-10, 23:12
Just to say WELL DONE TO YOU keep it up hun :)

17-01-10, 03:59
wow you did so well! good thing you got all impulsive!
I love when that happens, you just get some courage for some where and you just go for it!
supermarkets are so hard! the doors are far away, its hot and stuffy and then waiting in line to pay for your shopping!

17-01-10, 04:26
thing is i wonder why sometimes i feel i cant even leave my house then others i can do things like i did last night????

Why?......look at the keywords in your post....

i thought to myself 'sod it I AM going to go and do my shopping myself'
was worried about standing in the que at first but then just stood there and thought what the heck!!

In other words, you told anxiety it can do what it likes but it's NOT going to stop you doing the shopping......

Willpower and Determination together with an "I DON'T CARE" approach........and look at what you achieved!!!:winks: You told anxiety to get lost and it backed down because it knew it wasn't going to scare you and so was wasting its time trying!............This time!!!:huh:

So, what can you learn from what you achieved today?:winks:

Keep your confidence sky high by ALWAYS remembering what you said to yourself and the attitude you had today for when anxiety tries to come back, and you'll ALWAYS make it back off!

Well done on today! See.....there's ALWAYS hope once we learn how to tackle anxiety and prove to ourselves we can beat it! Don't give in now....just keep going and you''ll be fine!!!:winks::yesyes::hugs:

(Remember, you will get off days but Don't dwell on them. Just remind yourself of today and keep putting what you learnt into practise. Don't look back, Keep moving Forward and you'll be OK!:hugs:)

17-01-10, 08:54
thank you so much as always for your replies.

i have been feeling 'good' for the past week now and have not had one panic moment which is very rare for me seeing as though i have suffered for almost 10 years. even managed to go to school assembly fri to see my daughter collect an award :) :). i just hope i can keep looking forward now and not look back!! start my new job too a week tomorrow so am nervous about that!

if i thought that 1 person would be even slightly inspired by my shopping etc it would make me more than happy as i know anxiety is a very evil thing. glad you liked it rozie!

and bill thanks as ever :) xx

17-01-10, 09:10
Hi well done - have suffered from this ******* anxiety bad since July, took a while to find right meds which is stressful as well. Can remember going to Asda with my partner and running back to the car. Since finding the right meds and receiving counselling have been able to do the things like shopping and able to go back to work. However have had a couple of bad days this week which have scared me feeling dizzy and tired but realised that I have been stressing myself out this week needlessly about How will I get to work in this snow - is the kids school open etc and it has just tired me out. My counsellor tells me to think pos - panic attack will not kill u - remember this - think pos - which I no is hard if u r like me and always think the worst scienario - I now say to myself Whats the worst thing that can happen? and more often than not - not a lot - not life threatening just my mind working overtime. I am new to this forum howeva it helped me thru the early days just knowing there are others out there like me. Thanks everyone for being so open and helping people like me. Keep Shopping don't let anxiety rule u - rule it xx

17-01-10, 21:26
thanks hun and well done to you too!!

yes i am one of those who constantly think the worst but in this past week i have been trying so hard to think positive xx