View Full Version : Weird spacey and disconected feeling. Kinda scared

17-01-10, 05:35
Hello all this is my first post. I just joined today. I have had GAD and panic attacks for about 2 to 3 years now. I have not been having a good week:shrug: It started on Monday. (dont worry this relates to the title) I was at the gym with some of my friends. I worked pretty hard(trying to get that summer bod up and going :D) I almost passed out from not breathing right while lifting, and I did not have much to eat. My friend Kevin had to drive me home because I was very lightheaded and seeing lines in my eyes. I was very terrified out passing out so I was having an anxiety attack at the same time. joy joy. Well I did not pass out but ever since I have had intense anxiety and moderate depression all week. I took a leave of absence from work till monday due to the anxiety. I went to see my shrink yesterday. He put me on 30mg of Lexapro. (I was on 20mg before) due to my depression. I have been pretty depressed for a while. Now I feel very spacey and almost like a stoned feeling(not in a good way lol) almost slight confusion, or maybe I am just thinking about it to much. I am getting worried tho it feels as if my eyes are kind of bugging out and I want to sleep this feeling off but I am too tense to do so. I am not sure if it is the side effect of the new med increase or anxiety or a combo of both. HELP!

17-01-10, 10:54
poor you sounds like you had bad panic attack ,, nothing worse

17-01-10, 21:08
Hopefully so. Thank you for your response =]. I am just stressing because I go back to work tomorrow. I do not want to have an episode at work and have to leave again. If that happens well I am not sure but I do not want to get let go off or fired. ugh anxiety sucks

17-01-10, 21:30
good luck for going back to work tomorrow.

i know how you feeling with regards to the spaced out feeling and it is very scary i know but just try to think positive (easier said than done i know!) xx

17-01-10, 23:10
Man i First go this feeling after my first, and craziest panic attack which happened 1 year ago. Since then i have been to the hospital many a times, gotten ekgs, blood tests, and every turns out to be ok. I had a blood in my stool for months, frequent symptoms of IBS , and this constant stoned feeling. The feeling seems to elevate after a major panic attack, which i get once every few months now. IF i let the Panic attack take over while im having it then i experience very lightheaded feelings for the next few weeks. I am Certain that this is anxiety , but i haven't been cured and after a year i still have the feeling :(. Since it i worse when i am in darker lit areas, or at night time my physch thinks it has something to do with breathing but i don't think so. I think it is from the constant flow of neurochemicals keeping my nervous system in a steady state of arousal.

18-01-10, 00:27
My heart goes out to you because I totally get how this 'out of it ' feeling can encroach on your daily life.

This is anxiety kicking in ..nothing more and nothing less..and it WILL pass.Trust me!

Wishing you well


18-01-10, 02:17
Thanks you guys! It is really refreshing knowing that I am not alone. The spaced out feeling is not as bad as it was yesterday. So I am trying to stay positive and let it pass. I am actually feeling quite well today. I just kept busy and didnt sit around playing the "what if" game like I usually do.
Thanks again guys!