View Full Version : Upping dosage from 20 -40mg

17-01-10, 09:53

My doc has said that I can up the dosage for Flouxentine from 20 -40 but I'm really nervous about it, I have been on 20 for about 3 months, the anxiety is better but still there, I was just wondering if anyone had any side effects and if it helped them.


17-01-10, 10:02
Hi Lisa,

I've been on 40mg for a month or so and would say I've definitely benefited, although I sometimes still have a bit of a problem with anxiety. I did do a week on 30mg but had no noticeable side effects from increasing apart from a bit of a dodgy tummy, absolutely nothing like I had when I started out x

17-01-10, 10:09
Hi Jane

Good to hear from you. Ermm sounds as though it will help then, just really nervous about taking it, the doc said there would be no side effecs but he said that the first time I took them as well!!!!

17-01-10, 10:40
I take anything a doc says with a pinch of salt these days. As I say, I've been fine, although I know everybody's experience of these things is different. Good luck if you decide to give it go.

17-01-10, 21:36
hey im in a similar situation!
im on 5mg cipralex and doc suggested i up them to 10mg this was in november and i have still not done so am im scared :( xx

17-01-10, 21:50
LJL, once your system gets used to a drug, increasing it generally won't produce the level of side effects you got when you first started it.

I increased my med this week and have had some extra tiredness and felt a bit spaced out but nothing like when I first took it - ie, anxiety through the roof etc.

You'll be OK. Hope the higher dose helps.

17-01-10, 22:10

Last year i upped Cipralex from 10 to 15, and then later on from 15 to 20. Had good results on each dose but only really stabilised on 20. Anyway i had no adverse side effects on either of the increases. I'm currently upping my Seroxat from 20 to 30 and once again no real side effects. Mel is right, you may get a very, very mild version of the start up effects. I always responded well to higher dosage, hope it works for you too.

Love and Hugs

18-01-10, 11:01
Thanks guys

I have decided to be brave and take the 40 from today, I suppose I have nothing to lose by trying, does anone know how long it takes to feel the benefits? Sorry a little impatient!!!

Mummy4 - perhaps we should do this together?????

18-01-10, 17:23
hey hun

have you upped your meds now??

i always find some excuse.....what if i feel ill and cant look after the kids etc its very annoying i get very frustrated with myself xx

19-01-10, 10:25

Yeah I started yesterday, can't say I'm feeling the benefits yet! How are you feeling on your lower dosage? If you feel Ok then I would carry on but with me my anxiety is still high in the mornings so I feel I need the boost.

19-01-10, 17:50
I went to 40mg a month into taking it at 20mg. Everything was fine :)

02-02-10, 13:54

Yeah I started yesterday, can't say I'm feeling the benefits yet! How are you feeling on your lower dosage? If you feel Ok then I would carry on but with me my anxiety is still high in the mornings so I feel I need the boost.

Fluoxetine is a very slow acting drug Lisa and it'll take at least 2-3 weeks to get into your system properly.

Be patient - it will hopefully be worth it. X