View Full Version : Bad thoughts and making friends

17-01-10, 09:55
Can i ask does anyone else suffering from depression and anxiety still get bad thoughts even when taking their medication?, because i still get terrible thoughts that go through my head, not all the time just now and then, but there not very nice and they drag me into deep thought then my mind starts racing over and over again, then the thought agony really starts, it's horrible!
I read a post last night about someone on here starting on facebook, I started a profile but was to afraid to finish it, because of people i used to know seeing me, and knowing they might find out what has happened to me now. I am on friends reunited but did that a while ago before the depression and anxiety started to rule and ruin my life.
I'm just so afraid nowadays.:unsure:

17-01-10, 10:35
if you join facebook you ont have to tell anyone whats wrong

17-01-10, 11:37
I know, for some reason it just seems to be such a big step at the minute though. I don't have any friends at the minute apart from the ones i have made on here. My depression and anxiety seemed to drive me into a very deep dark hole. It's only now that i'm trying to get out of it that i realize what a dark deep hole it is, and how it controls my whole life. I can't believe my life has come to this point, Where did i go so wrong.

17-01-10, 11:51
you didnt go wrong its not your fault you have this i think some people are strong minded while others take everything to heart , plus i think we have very clever brains its like a sponge that takes everything in ,the good and bad ,, i am a chess player an artist so i am not dumb spelling not so hot but other that that inteligent,i was a nurse 15 years .. so why me ,, you see people who dont give a dot seem to get throu , if i was you i would jion you can make profile privete that way only people you want to be your friends can see i am on there ,,