View Full Version : Forever Dead.

17-01-10, 12:34
I dont even know what to say anymore. What is there to say? Ive have 26 Panic Attacks In The Last 2 Weeks, I Hate Getting Out Of Bed, Because As Soon As Im Up I Get Fatigue And Feel Horrible. :weep: What Do I Do? What Does My Body Want From Me? :mad: Im just run down 24/7 ive almost got 100 posts on here, . . . i just want to live :weep: Im dead forever, im so tired all the time.. tiredness, weakness just kicks me down.:buttkick:

17-01-10, 13:00
do you go out and get fresh air

17-01-10, 13:45
Yes forced to everyday.

17-01-10, 14:02
Ruby, can you go and see your GP? A friend? Your mum maybe? You need someone to talk to and some support, but you have to ask for it, :) honestly things can and will get better. Hold on to the times that you have been happy, keep positive. Perhaps asking for a blood test might help, something simple might be causing you to be so tired or it may simply be a case that you're exhausted from worrying so much.

17-01-10, 15:01
i agree they will get better

17-01-10, 15:45
Been happening since i was 12

17-01-10, 15:54
ruby, please get help, there will be something out there for you, never believe there is not, spring is on it's way a new beggining, we all have to go through rough times, you will get better, one day you will be able to help others with your experiences, not a good way off getting experience i know! but you WILL come through.
special thoughts of kindness coming your way
love crissyxxxxxx

17-01-10, 16:08
hun I'm the same, I've had anxiety problems since my I was tiny, that can be accredited to family circumstances. I'm eighteen and I figure you're around the same age - trust me, you're not alone. you have to get help Ruby, what about your fiancee, is he supportive? have you ever thought about counselling, relaxation techniques? my gp gave me some really good self help books, have you ever tried them? keep fighting hun :D the other thing I'm going to mention is, that I know you dropped out of school, do you go to college or anything like that? because that can really help, Im at Uni and the fact I've got a goal, new friendsand my family are proud really helps :D (not to mention the fact that you can usually get counselling through uni/college - again, helpful)

take care and pm if you ever need to talk :flowers: xx