View Full Version : Worried they have missed a dvt

anx mum
17-01-10, 17:32
sorry for another post. So scared :weep:for month now i have had pains in knees and lately bad pains in my calfs. Today hurts 2 get up my knees hurt and got dull ache in calf which feels sharp sometimes. Scared they have missed something like a clot had a ultra sound a week ago.

17-01-10, 18:33
Hi again! :)

I still have the calf pains too. I havent been to see the doc yet though - partly because I have a whole load of other symptoms too and I would sound like a nutter.

Glad you got an all clear. I'm sure you're fine. They wouldnt miss a clot - think of the lawsuit!!! ;)

Do you have varicose veins btw? I have that in one leg and it gives me a whole load of trouble! And I'm only 32!!

17-01-10, 18:36
hello hun you must stop worrying .. you probabley have tension because of worrying .. your leg would be very swollen or ankle.i am sorry your feeling like you are xxx

17-01-10, 19:10
Hi, I am really sorry to hear you are struggling at the mo. I know from exerience that our anxious minds can convince us that we have something seriously wrong.

Having had the test for a DVT it is unlikely that is what you are suffering with. Our bodies can play havoc with mysterious aches and pains when we are anxious, and often we do not apreciate that we are in an anxious state.

I don't doubt that you are in pain but think you should take some reassurance that you do not have DVT. I would encourage you to talk to your GP about your fears and managing the anxiety as I think that would help you control the pain you are in.

All the best and wishing you well.A:bighug1:

17-01-10, 19:34
Hey there

I am so sorry you are still feeling so upset and distressed about it all, I completely know how you feel, have been there many a time.

Please be assured that they would have picked it up on the ultrasound.

Is there anyway you can go to your GP tomorrow and get some advice? Better painkillers?


anx mum
17-01-10, 21:39
just dont understand in alot of pain and fear a clot.:weep:

17-01-10, 21:52
hun, u had the ultrasound, they couldnt of missed a clot. Im sure yr leg would be very swollen and red, and maybe hot to touch.

I think the more stressed out yr getting, the more the pains are gonna be there.

You have to relax and try to stop worrying, coz the pain wont go.

take care mandie xx

17-01-10, 22:18
I am so sorry you are still worried, I am having my ultrasound this week to check for one. The main thing is the scan wont miss it, they cant. It isnt a minor error if they do. If you did have a clot, because it has been so long you would be getting much worse. It would be more swollen, more pain and likely a colour change. I have pain as well and even though the doctors have told me over and over I do not have one I insisted on a scan. Once I have that then I will accept that there is nothing to worry about

anx mum
17-01-10, 22:31
how long u had ur pain? So scared hun keep thinking they have missed something. My leg is so sore just want 2 know whats wrong is ur pain constant? what does pain feel like?

17-01-10, 23:50
Hello. I have personal experience of this. I have had DVT in my calf 6 years ago. I was on warfarin for 8 months. It's took me a long time to stop obsessing over it every time i had pain, i wouldn't even get on a plane. I finally went on plane to Majorca and as soon as we landed on british soil i went straight to A&E, they scanned me and there was no clot. It was so relieving and is made me more confident to fly again.
I still get pain in my leg sometimes but its called post thrombosis and is normal for people who have had a clot.
Trust me they wouldn't miss it from a scan, there is another way they can test and thats by a blood test. If it reads more than 500 you have one, if its less you don't.
I can totally understand your worry but honestly you would know by now if you had one, especially if you have had a scan.
Take care hun, hope you feel better soon, big hugs xxx

18-01-10, 02:47
its like a pain in one spot that hurts even when I just lay here. I think it is psychosomatic pain for me because I have had it since I had my hysterectomy in October. I have had a negative d-dimer test, no swelling, and other good blood work results. But I am sooooooo worried all the time. Until I have the scan I worry.