View Full Version : medication and getting rid of obsessive thoughts

17-01-10, 21:05
Hi there, has anyone had any luck with medication? I have horrible obsessive thoughts of a sexual nature that are worrying me to an extreme. I have been taking escitalopram since December 19th, although have upped the dose to 20mg on January 1st. The panic attacks are not as bad, but the thoughts are still there. If anyone has any words of wisdom or advice on what meds worked for them I would love to hear about it - especially if the obsessive thoughts went away!

17-01-10, 22:08
I've never really suffered with OCD but I have heard that sertraline is very good for this. I already take it for depression. All the SSRIs are supposed to be good for treating OCD but I personally think that sertraline or fluoxetine would be a better option if escitalopram is not helping. Have a word with your doctor about it.

17-01-10, 23:53
Hiya i suffer with the same and was put on Escitalopram but they didnt help the thoughts. I was later put on Citalopram instead at 40mg. I feel much better now and hardly ever have any thoughts. I think it may be worth a trip to see your doc and have a chat about your meds.

18-01-10, 11:50
I'm on Sertraline 100mg and still get the odd one but I understand what they are I used to be on paroxetine and that was brilliant but had to come off when I feel pregnant.

Hope that helps x x

18-01-10, 12:04
I was on sertraline for repeated thoughts many years ago and it was brilliant. I think you've also got to accept these thoughts are part of anxiety and depression as well though, and let them not matter. A combination of both is great.

18-01-10, 20:42
I'm going to see my doctor on Thursday and I will ask her about the meds. I am supposed to be seeing a Psychiatrist, but this could take some time since I'm not a priority (unfortunately - and who would have thought I would ever think that!). I also feel like I have an internal dialogue that just won't shut off. I'm constantly having a conversation with myself about anxiety and obsession. it goes something like this "why aren't you better yet?" "don't worry, it just takes time" or "it's been so long, you must be crazy" and "no, that's just your anxiety talking"!!! Does this go away too?

18-01-10, 21:04
I think you are just a bit exhausted with all the thoughts and trying to reassure yourself constantly. It's something I think we all do when very anxious, always trying to comfort ourselves by having an inner conversation. Don't put too much importance on it. Claire Weekes talks about repeated thoughts and obsessions in her books, their are herbal pills and potions for repeated thoughts and obsessions. It is obviously a common symptom in anxiety and depression and the result of a tired mind. You will get through this.

18-01-10, 22:05
THANKS MYRA. It is so nice to hear kind words right now.:)