View Full Version : 1 year yesterday..

karen s
17-01-10, 21:53
I have been trying to be so brave but its not working, the last couple of weeks have been good but now i feel poo, my bro-in-law passed away 16-01-2009 he was 38 i so wanted to visit his grave 2nite but my hubby won't take me even though he no's i don't go out he's now calling me sad! Please help :mad::weep:

17-01-10, 22:00
Well, I don't know what to say apart from I think that your husband is being very mean to you, if not cruel.

Maybe you should have another word with him about it and stress how upset you feel?

I'm very sorry about your brother-in-law and hope you feel better soon anyway.

karen s
17-01-10, 22:10
But i love him he is the world to me and he does everything (shopping parents evening the lot) but tonight he was really mean to me and told me to get a life and said if i want to see the grave i have to go with him tomorrow no questions asked :weep:

18-01-10, 11:44
I agree with Melancholia, your husband was mean because it made you post your feelings on here. Of course you love him but he should have known how you felt and taken you - I'm sure it's not a million miles away and it is only once a year?