View Full Version : not feeling too good

21-12-05, 01:12
i've had a total of five panic attacks today. the most i have ever had in 24 hours. i had 2 when i was asleep and and the rest during the day. today it has got me down. i think i know why i have been having them, but i can't stop them. i'm worried to go to sleep as i bashed my hand during the last one i had during the night, and they seem to be bigger and takes me longer to control them. today it has made me want to just stay in bed all day ( which i did as i'm in uni holidays). i' feeling very down about it all and i can't seem, to kick myself out of this rut. any advice?

21-12-05, 17:12
Hi Fran

It's all a bloomin torture isn't it. I know thepanics are bad and you are suffering at the moment. However as much as you want to just lie in bed - don't. Get up and just try to do what you can. It doesn't have to be much, but just keep going. I know the panics are tiring so if you need to lie down then you have to. Try not to let it win. Take lots of care.


Y Goble

21-12-05, 21:45
hi superfran
ok firstly, they are horrible!!!! i used to have them all day everyday!! the best thing to do is get out of bed, uni break or what ever, get up, distract yourself. excercise is really good.
Allow yourself to have a rest yeah, take advantage of the holidays but try to get up the same time each day, your body responds better like that. xxx

21-12-05, 22:53
today was a totally different day,
i had to go to the dentist so i had to get up and go. ( i did have a nap in the afternoon though ;))
i have good days and bad days, i just wish all the days were good days.
yep i'm gonna get up and go. i had a good chat with my mum about it all today and we have both booked in for a hair cut tomorrow, so i have something to get out of bed for tomorrow too.
ta for the advise...
lets hope for more good days :)

21-12-05, 23:40
You have to work on all the days being good ones and slowly change them over...

Hope tomorrow is another good one


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