View Full Version : How do you cope in life ?

18-01-10, 00:29
How do you cope ?

How do you keep motivated ?

Has anxiety and depression destroyed your life ?

Are we really all crazy with this condition why is there such a stigma with these conditions ?

18-01-10, 09:18
I have anxiety and depression and im not crazy!!!!!!

18-01-10, 09:44
How do you cope ?

How do you keep motivated ?

Has anxiety and depression destroyed your life ?

Are we really all crazy with this condition why is there such a stigma with these conditions ?

I dont cope, thats why i have anxiety, what does 'cope' mean? I'm failing to 'cope' therefore i'm having a nervous breakdown.

Motivated for what? to keep on living? to keep getting up, going out, going to work?? I'm not motivated...I feel, I feel the need to do 'things' because that is more helpful to me at that time, than not doing them.

Has this 'destroyed my life'..well no because if my life were destroyed I'd be dead wouldnt I? and clearly I'm not dead, I'm typing...I'm not wanting to offend but my life is sometimes difficult, it feels hard and occasionally hopeless, but it isnt destroyed I still have a life, and its MY life even if its a limited one.

I'm not crazy, sometimes I can feel crazy, not being able to make sense of things but all it is, is my brain not functioning probably and my mind getting things muddled or in a wrong perspective and some thoughts just need changing or given a different viewpoint..or put another way healing..sometimes we heal, sometimes we dont, that is the way life is. Some of it is behavioural, some of it is brain chemistry but none of it makes me a 'crazy' person or insane for that matter, just different, especially to those who havent experienced a mental health problem.

There is no stigma to these mental health conditions, only ignorance and fear. Ironic that many 'normal' people have a fear, an 'anxiety' about mental health problems and its sufferers. lol

This is my 1st post here, well done you made me come out of hiding, plus I feel better today


18-01-10, 10:05
Hello :)

When i was first diagnosed with anxiety i promised myself that i wouldnt let it overrule my life, its very difficult and has taken me a long while to carry on, to go to my full time job, to go out with my friends and i would consider this "coping" but to be fair most of the time the joy feels zapped out of everything i do.

I keep motivated by trying to enjoy life, i actually feel like curling up in a ball most of the time, but i go on walks, go out for drinks with my friends, plan holidays, also found a hobby. Even though you may not feel like doing anything they do help tremendously in the long run.

I sometimes feel that Anxiety destroyed my life, but i accepted that life has its ups and down and i made a decision not to let it ruin my life, i have changed as a person massively since having anxiety and i feel like i will have a much more positive and richer life after this than if i never had it.

We are not crazy, i think its 1 in 3 people will develop a mental illness within their life time, just people dont really talk about it! There is still a stigma attached to mental illness unfortunately, i do think this has got better but its hard for people to understand unless they have experienced it themselves.

18-01-10, 15:57
I have had anxiety for a long time and depression on and off. Generally I've got through it, coped somehow. I don't really know what kept me going at times. Just a feeling that somehow, some time, things must get better.

But these past 2 months, the brakes have been on and I've not been able to cope. I guess I must be somehow, I get out of bed and go out of the house, but only because I'm scared of becoming housebound. I think my motivation has often been fear of what will happen if I don't keep going. Fear of what will happen if I don't turn up to work, don't study for my exams etc. The adrenaline of anxiety got me out of bed. At other times though, I have been relatively alright and have looked forward to seeing friends etc. and that has motivated me. I feel hopeful that I can get that feeling back again of looking forward to things and enjoying things.

I'm not really aware of what a life without anxiety so I can't say if it has ruined my life. I do wish I didn't have all these problems - IBS, lacking energy, anxiety and fears of everyday things. I don't think it has ruined my life because I managed to fight it to complete my education. I am hopeful that I can build a life for myself post-university and although anxiety and episodes of depression will no doubt be a feature of that life, I hope I can cope with them better.

Do I feel crazy? No I don't, because I have irrational thoughts, but I am able to recognise that they are irrational. A lot of people don't understand anxiety, it's hard to understand just how disabling it is unless you've suffered from mental illness yourself.

18-01-10, 16:10
setting goals! the only thing that helps my depression.
i need goals because i need something to do to work towards to keep me motivated.
even if it's just walking to the shop, doing a course, making arty things like scarfs......

18-01-10, 18:28
I totally agree with Mishel, when my anxiety started I was advised to start with small goals. That what I did and I gradually increased the size of my goals. I am now back at work and studies. Evening are the worst for me at the moment, so I try and take the pressure of mysely by telling myself I don't need to be doing anything at this time, try and take it easy and chill. Not always easy, but I am working on that. My doctor also told me to start trying so hard to get better, stop willing myself better. That was the best advice I have heard because I thought I should be stronger than this and be better. Taking the pressure of myself has allowed me to be more open to what's happening rather than fighting it.

19-01-10, 20:27
Thanks for your input,

Have you ever overcome your anxiety/depression or just able to numb it ? if yes how medication,meditation or self help ?

Are you generally successful with completing your set goals and if you are not how do you recover self confidence and move on?

Sorry for the many questions.

19-01-10, 20:28
Hi there :)

Are you an anxiety sufferer yourself?

19-01-10, 20:44
Hi there :)

Are you an anxiety sufferer yourself?
I have anxiety/depression disorder I just wondered how you and others manage with life as a result ?