View Full Version : really really worried

18-01-10, 09:38
hi all, mondays are always bad days for me :( i cant get MS out of my mind today and my reasons are

* my tongue is burning like mad today :(
* Everytime i stand up my left leg twitchs like mad ( 6 days no)
* Everytime i stand both of my calves go really tight and feel like they are going to cramp
* I have lost loads of weight on my calves & legs so much so an old pair of boots fit that havent for 2 years.

I am pregnant & have had morning sickness for 3 weeks but i doubt this has caused me to loose so much weight. Im so very scared that this is the start of the wastage & soon im not going to be able to walk :weep:

18-01-10, 09:50
hi tash sorry your having such a rubbish day, mondays are always hard for me to its because the weekend seems so far away and the week ahead feels like ive got a big mountain to climb if you know what i mean lol, You are pregnant and have said yourself you have been sick alot that is the reason for the weight loss nothing else, if you get a sickness bug within a few days you can lose a dramatic amount of weight so i wouldnt worry about that, the twitching and the burning tongue are anxiety symptoms and as you are so anxious at the moment its a vicous circle you get anxious get symptoms and then get anxious about the symptoms. Have you been refered for any councelling?(cant spell) it really does help
take care and enjoy being pregnant.xxx

18-01-10, 09:55
Hi Rebacca god i am having such a bad morning i have spent all morning on various MS websites something i swore i would never do again :( it feels like im going backwards. I have a great doctor who i see for my anxiety which is great but i might suggest councelling. My legs keep cramping every single time i stand & of course its an MS symptom! I hate it so so much. x

18-01-10, 10:01
seriously tash you need to stay off these sites take it from someone that has been there it does nothing for you only invents more symptoms. I have told you this before but i even used to go on the ms groups on facebook thats how addicted i was, you need to be really strict with yourself and if you cant do it get your boyfriend to block these sites from your computer so you dont know the pin. I used to google twitching and then 1 hour later id be on an ms forum, you think your going on for reassurance but you just end up even more paniced, if your anything like me you look and search until you find something that backs up you have got ms when really only a doctor can diagnose you, anybody can put anything on the internet and there is alot of people without ms that have your symptoms. When i was pregnant with my 2nd and 3rd babies i had restless leg syndrome and i also suffered with cramp in a big way i would just get a massive cramp come on out of know where and it was so painful i could have cried it felt like somebody had shot me lol. Go for the councelling it really does help xx