View Full Version : Been off of citalopram since December.

18-01-10, 10:40
Hi folks, havent been on here in a while due to coming of off citalopram, i stopped altogether on the 31st of december so that 2010 could be an AD free year and also because the court case that my doctor says im anxious about was coming up and i wanted a clear head.
Once i was off of the cit it was ok, very little in the way of withdrawl effects and everything seemed to be going so smoothly, its still going pretty well but not aswell as id hoped.
The court date for the event that triggered PTSD happened last week and it couldnt have gone better, he pleaded guilty and got sentenced to 6years, great result :)
All was well untill later that evening i came down with flu and was bed ridden for the next 3days over which period i couldnt smoke due to my lungs hurting, i decided to make the best out of a bad situation and quit smoking and so far ive stuck with it, todays my 6th day!!
Anyway, friday i was feeling very disassociated, was ok on saturday, then very very down yesterday and now i feel very anxious, but not the kind of normal anxiety that im used to, its the sickening anxiety that you feel right im the pit of your stomach that ive only ever had when adjusting my doses of cit, last night i woke up sweating a bit and feeling quite panicked.
I know ive got a lot going on with the court, flu, quitting smoking and uni, but i feel like this kind of anxiety has got something to do with the cit, has anyone had any delayed withdrawl effects or can shine ne light on how im feeling?? I imagine it may have something to do with quitting smoking but i have done this before and didnt suffer from the anxiety that ive got now, although that was before PTSD and all these issues.

Sorry for the rantishly long message, helps me to get things out there :)



18-01-10, 11:51
Well done Pete ,you are really doing well .The withdrawals will sometimes go on for a while .This is normal so dont think you are getting ill again ..It will only add to your anxiety .It is quite possible this may last another month or two .The good days will become more frequent and the bad episodes less as time goes on ..Its just your bodys way of getting used to not having the drug in your system ..WELL DONE for quitting the ciggies ..Once the nicotine is out of your system it will help you feel better too .Think of the money you will save :D.It can cause anxiety packing in and irritability .:weep:.Use plenty of distraction techniques it will help you ..Wishing you a Happy healthy 2010 ...keep it up :yesyes:..Hugs Sue :hugs:xx

Hereford Al
25-01-10, 20:46
Man, I am really jealous of you quitting the ciggies. You deserve a medal!

25-01-10, 21:12
hi only just started taking citalopram - hoping it will help the anxiety but have been off the ciggies since October 2008 - just over a year! Keep it up it won't be long before you forget what it was like to smoke - I have! (was a 30 a day smoker for 20 odd years it can be done).

26-01-10, 00:17
Way to go !
You've done so well- 2010 is really your year!
When I quit smoking I had night sweats. I was sure it was something sinister but it is totally normal to have night sweats when quitting smoking. Also there is alot of anxiety associated with quitting smoking. You're body is addicted to nicotine and sends a signal to your brain that it needs nicotine. If there is no nicotine forthcoming then your body sends out a panic reaction.
I t is hard to quit smoking but you can and will do it !
You're a hero !

26-01-10, 18:58
im quitting the cigs and for the first 8 days i got sweats dizzy spells and all sorts. Now im on day 19 and the only problem is trouble going to the loo. I have been using 5 nicotine lozengers a day so perhaps that has helped. Well done keep going the withdrawel will get better