View Full Version : Feeling physically ill just want to get over this

18-01-10, 11:01
Can constant anxiety symptoms leave you feeling physically ill inside? I am sure it's anxiety but here it goes: Feeling weak, lagged, tired, exhausted, fed up, pains becoming more noticeable, horrible taste at the back of my mouth, false sense of perspective, feeling of inability to cope, urge for sweet carvings after panic but feeling that's not helping enough now.

I'm feeling desperate as I feel I need to vary my diet and get more exercise to help. I'm unemployed the now and have been for few months and this is where the physical symptoms have caught back up with me. Like those above symptoms worsen after a panic attack. Sometimes there not all hyperventilation as it can be a "weak, loss of balance" attack while my breathing is ok, 5 minutes to an hour I can be fine again.

The problem is when I feel "lagged" and tired going to do something else does not remove the symptom. However that's if its in the house when I'm out half the feeling goes and I can be fine. I don't know if it's magic as changing diet, could be a bit of a cold anything really that adds to this feeling.

But of the last few months I've felt rubbish, weather it be physical or mental symptoms. I am finding it a hard battle to deal with my OCD and anxiety at the moment. There seems to be no magic button to change it unless it's some kind of medication. If I am going to get over it I need a plan to control it. What helped my OCD before was stopping one routine and it gave me a slight boost to stop alot of the rest.

Like going for a shower, eating a biscuit use to make me feel better, now I get panicky in the shower, a biscuit makes me worry I'm making myself feel worse with poor diet food. So that's making me feel trapped inside as my anxiety makes me stop, avoid everything.

It gets really bad when it makes you avoid everything. There's so much I avoid and I don't want to as at the back of my head I know the anxiety is winning, however it stops me so there's a problem. My weakness is wanting to know what's wrong with me and the constant need for reassurance. Doesn't matter what say it is I could write down atleast 10 worries. I kind of got put off writing it down even though it's meant to help I just worry as I can't really put it in words at times as it's that silly so I don't bother.

But it's New Year and I feel I'm not doing enough. I've had alot to deal with last year in my life so that makes it hard. So far it's 3 weeks into 2010 and I feel i could do more than just dwelling. If I could drop 20% of my anxiety I'd feel better like it seems too big to get rid of it all as my mind says reassurance. So maybe one bit at a time? I know I can't go on like this? I worry I will loose it as the more that happens the more I worry as I feel I can't cope? Has anybody who suffered extreme anxiety or OCD for years went mad after a certain time? Or is it a false vision with anxiety?

Even just writing this post has lifted some of the lag almost which is weird. But it's no good now if it comes back 2 or 3 hours later? I don't know why I panic now as I know it's anxiety but struggle to manage it. :unsure: I could hand pick lots of posts on here which how I feel in a day, some days it changes? Still have a few major things that worry but I feel for me the way that may help is neutralizing the thoughts started this but need a better view on it.

I'm not too sure where I'm going now but I'm hoping I don't need to run back to doctors. Books helped me in the past I feel I need to go back to understanding it, heard reading it over and over may sink it in?

Sorry lots of questions just need a direction and a plan?

18-01-10, 11:55
you will get better believe me maybe your not on the right meds you should have word with your docter ,as you seem to have it bad ,and yes it can make you feel illeven thou there s nothing pysicaly wrong

18-01-10, 12:01
Hello Phil,

You are having such a hard time at the moment, but no, you won't get worse, or go mad, you have probably felt the worst you can ever feel. You can only get better from here. Being unemployed can get you down as it gives you a lot of time on your hands to think about things. You are not alone in this. Constantly looking for a job is stressful in itself. So looking after yourself is the main priority at this time. Yes, take plenty of exercise, get out and about, keep yourself busy. Occupation is a vital step towards recovery. For many people getting away from home gives you an instant lift as there are other things going on round about you. At home you only have the four walls and your thoughts. So get out there, no matter how low you feel. Yes keep your diet good, but don't be so hard on yourself about eating a biscuit!! You are constantly struggling to be almost perfect but life just isn't like that. Do simple things and don't beat yourself up and you'll see light at the end of the tunnel. There are many people feeling low at the moment because January can be quite a depressing month. It can only get better from here. You are not alone.

18-01-10, 12:31
Hi Phil, in my experience, anxiety has shown many physical symptoms. This will not apply to you, but throughout my worst time, I missed 2 periods. My body couldn't handle menstruating. I also fet very ill. I had a viral infection which was the onset of my anxiety with panic attacks but I never really knew at which point the viral infection had gone because I constantly felt ill, I spent each and everyday laid up on my sofa.
My only way to a better path has been through the help of the crisis team at my local hospital, my own GP and a hypnotherapist. I am on meds and awaiting CBT. I definately found reading all the information on this website totally beneficial. Look up health-anxiety if you haven't already. Take care

18-01-10, 20:42
Hi phil :hugs:

Can constant anxiety symptoms leave you feeling physically ill inside?

Absolutely! :weep: The symptoms sound like classic anxiety to me :hugs:

I'm feeling desperate as I feel I need to vary my diet and get more exercise to help.

This actually sounds like a really good idea. The food you eat can affect your mood for a start. And also exercise is so good for the mind... My doctor is always telling me to get more exercise. Try it, I'm sure you'll see a difference... :hugs: Exercise releases endorphins (happy hormones) and therefore makes us feel good...

I'm unemployed the now and have been for few months and this is where the physical symptoms have caught back up with me.

You will have a lot of time on your hands... Therefore, lots of time to think, and worry... I noticed with me, when I was struggling with my health anxiety, it was at it's worst when I wasn't leaving my house. I had nothing to concentrate on but me... I had far too much time to think. So the key is to try and plan your day... It could even be getting up at a certain time each day, having breakfast, going for a walk, arranging to phone a friend or something during the day... etc etc... Plan your day, so you have things to occupy your mind and look forward to. Do things you enjoy. And include exercise in there... Less thinking = less anxiety :hugs:

But of the last few months I've felt rubbish, weather it be physical or mental symptoms. I am finding it a hard battle to deal with my OCD and anxiety at the moment. There seems to be no magic button to change it unless it's some kind of medication. If I am going to get over it I need a plan to control it. What helped my OCD before was stopping one routine and it gave me a slight boost to stop alot of the rest.

Are you getting any help at the moment? CBT? From the way you're talking, you're not? Have you ever had any CBT? That could really help you...

But it's New Year and I feel I'm not doing enough. I've had alot to deal with last year in my life so that makes it hard. So far it's 3 weeks into 2010 and I feel i could do more than just dwelling. If I could drop 20% of my anxiety I'd feel better like it seems too big to get rid of it all as my mind says reassurance. So maybe one bit at a time? I know I can't go on like this? I worry I will loose it as the more that happens the more I worry as I feel I can't cope? Has anybody who suffered extreme anxiety or OCD for years went mad after a certain time? Or is it a false vision with anxiety?

New year puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on people... It can be good and bad... It's a time where people say they have to do this, or they have to do that. When in actual fact, it doesn't have to be done just because it's a new year... It can be done at any time of the year :hugs:

It sounds like you're trying to combat the whole lot at once... Try to break it down into manageable steps.

Feeling that you may go mad after a certain time is the anxiety talking... :hugs:

Even just writing this post has lifted some of the lag almost which is weird.

It is good to get it out, and talk to people about it... And here, we understand and care :hugs: Keep getting it out if it helps.

I'm not too sure where I'm going now but I'm hoping I don't need to run back to doctors. Books helped me in the past I feel I need to go back to understanding it, heard reading it over and over may sink it in?

Reading can definitely help... With reading comes knowledge and insight.

Try not to look at it as running back to the doctors... You maybe just need a bit more support at the moment? And need help with finding a direction and a plan...

Take care,


18-01-10, 23:56
Thanks for all the helpful replies. It's hard to focus on one thing like finding a g.f, anxiety, new job as sometimes dates, interviews come along unexpected (or did so in 2009) and found myself unprepared for alot and got nothing.

I am going to add more variety to my diet to begin with and add some healthy things. I think I have alot of repetitiveness so I want to cut that out.

I was uptown today and I'm back to running to the toilet as I felt weak, standing about I thought I'd pass out but I never. I think my latest symptom is this whole body feeling sick probably from this mild panic. When I get anxious I now say "calm" and that helps. "Stop" use to work until I realised it was fighting too much. Thoughts wise today has been better, physical symptoms wise again it's been moderate had worse days as said above.

I think the best tips all printed off from my previous posts might help. Might help me remember stuff. I'm trying to take things easy but as I say life can be so fast paced. I get opprtutnies very quickly already turned down one job interview due to travel and distance this year. So I have to accept tomorrow I may get a g.f, new job and have to relax my way into it. Maybe it will be slower but it it seems at the moment my life pattern seems up, down, up down.

I got to a steady pace at the start of last year then it got extreme stress. I mean stability in a job I was not happy though. On paper another job will help as not all will be as stressful.

So anyway I'm hoping to take some control here. Tell myself I don't need to think about anything else just do it if I feel ready to. My draw back last year was trying too hard, too many chances, more to be blown. So I'm just tagging on, feel the pace is picking up but going to try and catch an early night. :)

19-01-10, 00:52
Hello Phil,

I've read your posting and your concerns. Realize that situational anxiety, which most people have experienced at various points in their lives, can exceed a reasonable level to become not only chronic in nature, but also set in motion a physiological process known as fight or flight response. It is an innate set of physical changes which take place in the body in response to a fearful stimuli. Surely you can recall being suddenly frightened at some point in your life, even if but in the presence of a good horror movie. At the climactic point of the movie, most all people can experience physical changes that take place, such as tingling sensations, rapid heart rate or pounding heart, palpitations, sweating, nausea or sinking sensations in the abdomen and so on. These sensations are being initiated by the brain in response to the visually fearful stimuli in the movie. People even tend to enjoy this kind of rush because it is both brief and represented in a somewhat predictable environment. In other words, the physical changes themselves are rational because there is an identifiable cause.

In the case of persons suffering anxiety which has become chronic and to the point that it is somatic (physical) in nature, the underlying cause of the ongoing anxiety is actually most often unidentified or at the very least, denied due to the fact that it produces highly unwanted features that are uncomfortable, sometimes even traumatic. When anxiety reaches this level, most all persons misinterpret the associated physical changes as signs of possible disease or imminent health consequence. This happens because unlike the horror movie where the cause is known, the underlying stimulus of the anxiety is spread out over a far greater timespan and sort of collects other fear-invoking problems along the way. For example, the very first original source of the anxiety may be something as simple as suddenly feeling helpless in the presence of others in a certain context, but as time grows and the circumstance remains unresolved and avoided, the anxiety-stricken individual finds that even approximations of the same circumstances will produce a similar result. As a consequence, life-altering changes may become elective to the extent that it generally becomes a life of avoidance behaviors, which merely causes the anxiety to be attenuated in the background, but never extinguished.

Thus, when life happens such as the loss of a job or any change from the routine formerly established to diminish the anxiety, it suddenly presents the individual with a flood of thoughts about all sorts of negative consequences which are, for the most part, highly irrational. It produces a rather hap-hazard approach to problem solving and lack of preparation that makes the anxiety-stricken individual feel as though they've suddenly lost their pace with the anticipations of daily life and it's as though they can't move or think fast enough to get ahead of the situation. A job interview that is just right for them suddenly appears, but they're too busy fending off all sorts of irrational ideas and notions in order to have been prepared, much so that they feel trapped.

This adds to the already prominent physical symptoms and both energy and outlook become grossly attenuated. There is little physical effort, but tremendous mental and physical exhaustion. This quickly erodes self-confidence and it is at this juncture, that the individual is unable to achieve normally inconsequential tasks. They become self-conscious about both their health and their interactions with others, often feeling uncomfortable when speaking with others because they are simulataneously evaluating their own behavior and interactions.

Priorities become entangled and what was once a fluid and confident approach to life, manifests into problems coming from so many directions that it is often difficult to overcome any single struggle because they are all receiving some portion of attention, yet with no forethought or planning necessary to make it a successful event.

This entire process often leads to a life of ruminations that predominate the normal strivings to the extent that such persons typically exclaim that they lost themselves somewhere and just want their life back. They don't feel like it's them living their life, but as though they are wading in a thick fog with somewhat blunted perceptions. They describe their heads feeling thick and their thoughts rambling, with near-obsessive ruminations about certain health matters related to their physical symptoms. In essence, such persons feel constantly afraid but are uncertain of precisely what it is that might happen to them. They only know that it is directly on their heels and they feel powerless to predict its oncoming or consequences.

It produces the need to feel safe and the most common retreat to obtain this safety is at the home in familiar surroundings. Reassurance becomes widely relied upon, much so that a sort of dependence upon it can be developed that helps reduce immediate tensions, but further incapacitates them from being able to restore their independence and strength.

So we've talked about the psychological and psychogenic aspects of the issue. As for the nature of the physical symptoms being described, they are virtually all directly related to the type of intense anxiety I've been describing to you and none of the symptoms either singularly, or in combination, fit any pattern of actual underlying pathology associated with disease or illness. You can take a deep breath and relax.

As for a direction or plan, much like Dorothy in the wizard of OZ, you've had the ability all along. You only need to begin believing in yourself once again rather than sheer dependence upon others because your confidence is all but lost. Do not attempt to take on all that plagues you, but rather target the single most necessity and do so passionately and with the fact in mind that your health and outlook are just fine. Nothing is going to happen to you as a consequence. You simply need to become purposeful and single-minded in your approach to problem resolution. As you realize the actual potential which has only been submerged and not lost or taken from you, matters will soon fall under your power once again, but you must always choose your battles and most importantly, set aside patterns of faulty thinking which hold no substance and are purely irrational beliefs that have perpetuated your fears.

So study your circumstances and draw forth a plan of attack. Make certain that you are well-prepared and then move forward. You're going to be just fine. Choose an image of yourself that is formidable rather than vulnerable. Take a stand and you'll see change.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

19-01-10, 17:47
Rutherford you have described my life story in the last 3 year exactly how it was, especially with me not really knowing what kicked it all off but I have come to realise that really it is not important in my progress back to normality. I have taken on board Phil the best advice from Dr Claire Weeks where she states that to get better you first have to face your fears and not shy away and then use acceptance so not adding any more tension to the situation, float through and above all let time pass as nerves heal slowly and memory is so ready to remind.

That advice is the only cure and you must be ready to accept setbacks on the road to recovery and allow things to calm in there own sweet time without fighting. you will do it and best wishes and thank you Rutherford for giving your time to help people on this site, for me it is much appreciated.

19-01-10, 23:32
Thanks for all the replies. I have set out a bit of an action plan my first real go at self help in the years I've had anxiety as I have written down exactly what to do week by week.

Here's my plan and I will let anybody know if I've made progress but here it is:

Week one this week:

Improving diet so it's more varied added pasta to it today. Went for a 15 minute walk. My plan this week is vary diet, each day cut half an hour off how late I've been going to bed. 2am to 1.30am, 1.30am to 12am and 12.30 if possible. Give or take on OCD try and cut back but don't put anymore pressure this week.

Week 2:

Reduce OCD routines try to half them.
Focus on job interviews I have
Read up books/ebooks online/sheets, print stuff off to help.

Week 3:

Challenge OCD thoughts, negative thoughts.

Week 4:

Focus on breathing exercises
Relaxing music/chilled music.

Week 5:

More on Exercise
Coping with OCD better
Stop signs in my head, neutralising thoughts further
Challenge thoughts

My target has to be less negative thoughts, feeling better, less physical symptoms, perhaps do well to get a job and any dates give myself breaks in between try not let it get on top of me. I won't pressure myself to I have to fix it. Purely experimental to see just what changes I can make without being dramatic and making myself feel worse.

19-01-10, 23:59
Good Luck Phil I'm sure you will achieve your goal... we're rooting for you x

20-01-10, 00:29

It is so clear that you are determined to move on from this bad time and I have no doubt that you have the strength and imagination to do just that.

I think the plan to do more exercise is really good because I know myself that it can be a real help. You'll be surprised how a quick fifteen minute walk can add up over time and you'll be amazed how much stronger you will feel emotionally as well as physically. A real good full-on walk can also wear you out, use up all the extra adrenaline that may be buzzing around your system and help you to sleep really well too.

I wish you well and will look out for your updates on here.

All good wishes


20-01-10, 01:01
Relaxation tapes helped me alot before. I kind of gave up on them when my anxiety kind of dropped but here's ones I'm trying at the moment:


Chilled music has also helped the nerves and physical symptoms tonight. Course even if I get it more manageable I'm worried I take a blip once I get over it. But I guess with anxiety you kind of have it so it can resurface. Managing is the key so I may stop telling myself when am I going to get over this and more how I can deal with it and continue to live my life normally.

It's not easy but if all the advice is textbook it's a case of finding out what works. Negative thoughts wise there's a few ways. Accepting does not work for me, however neutralising, challenging them does. If a thought comes and I can say how can I do this or be this? It almost just does down like a dust bin lid.

I got to this stage before when I was with my ex g.f wanted to do it for her. I'm now taking this challenge myself as I know I don't need to put up with this. Ok I may be back or have other issues but if I can have more good days that's going places for me. :yesyes::DTime for bed now..half an hour earlier than last night.

20-01-10, 13:23
I'm sticking to my above plan but feel while I've been unemployed the anxiety has sunk into my routine a little

I'm back to feeling sick, struggling to eat today which stops me going out...:blush: I hope it's just a blip as a few years ago it would impact my life that i would decide how I felt before going anywhere. At one point it was once a week with my ex g.f and it was a struggle to go to the cinema.

But I cancelled a lesson last week and going to my sisters, felt lagged about going uptown the other day too but lasted out. It's kind of uncontrollable. For about a year I've had no physical symptoms but can go out easy just negative thoughts but the old physical side is creeping back up.

Anyway I know it's probably as I'm not working..I'm sticking to the plan to do some relaxation and atleast go for a 10 min walk.

20-01-10, 17:31
I've been diagnosed with GAD for almost 3 years and have felt dreadful ever since. I'm on no meds because none of them have worked for me. I feel tired all the time, feel queasy a lot, mood swings, stomach pain and lower abdominal pain, achy, find it hard to wake up in the morning (feel like I have a hangover even though I'm teetotal etc). I've tried CBT and counselling with no results. I've had full blood works, chest x-rays, ecg etc and all normal.

Nothing at all seems to help me at the moment so I totally know where you are coming from.

These are all common symptoms of anxiety and depression, once that's under control then hopefully you (and me) will feel better.

20-01-10, 17:50
I get this feeling like Ive been drained physically and emotionally aswell anxiety/depression is very taxing on the body im guessing.Its funny because no matter how much sleep i get there is always that drained feeling.

20-01-10, 17:53
It's good to see that you've sat down and thought about a plan of action Phil. The state of mind is the important thing here. If you set out with a positive attitude then everything you do will add to that confidence. It's not even about the achieving. It's the fact that you've broken the pattern of inaction, stagnation and negativity.

22-01-10, 00:30
I don't want to start a new topic for this but it relates to how I feel. I feel I have "lost" my soul, my desire and motivation. Ok I am tacking the anxiety...

But maybe I'm a bit low..

I feel lost..I lost friends last year, a job...I feel I'll never meet my ideal woman. I have a job interview tomorrow and feel I don't want to go..don't wanna do anything. Might have a date on Saturday but feel hopeless as she may not be the idea one like I had two and a half years ago.

I'm lost this is like probably non anxiety related but will my passion come back? Passion to fall in love again, or will I ever be in love again? My mind just says I'm going mad now. Good days gone?

I manage my driving lesson today, I had ambitions of having a g.f ect.. when I could drive, gave up on that, had ideas of having friends going for a drive in the car...now I need new friends...I've felt soul destroyed after not getting jobs ect..I've got an interview tomorrow but it's not the job I want..but don't want to not go..I'm pondering over jobs I fancied more and never got.

I guess when life doesn't go your way it leaves you a little lost?? :wacko: What now..for where I go in life if not what my anxiety is doing? I feel the mood I'm In I'd drive a woman away..but I feel awful because where's the fighting spirit I had to meet a nice woman? Gone?

22-01-10, 00:54
Phil, it seems that you want everything to fall into place overnight - the ideal job, ideal woman, your anxiety and depression to just disappear.... OK, so we all want that - I do too - but life just doesn't work like that. You have to accept progress made in small steps. You didn't find yourself in the state of mind and circumstances you're in now overnight, did you? Things happened gradually. So good things and bad things can happen to us gradually. You're trying to run before you can walk.

Go for your interview and see where it leads you - the same with your date. There's no such thing as perfection, only better.

Good luck - hope it all goes well and leads to bigger and better things.

22-01-10, 08:35
Phil, I agree with Melancholia - you are expecting too much too soon. If only it were that simple. It will take time. If I were you I'd concentrate on one thing at a time. Expecting too much is looking for perfection and this in turn will be frustrating and lead you back to square one. No-one has perfection. I think there's always something in life that you are juggling, it's just what life's about. It's learning how to cope that matters. I don't think you need to put too much thought into diet and exercise. Eat low fat foods and go for a brisk walk each day. Walking will help body and mind. Don't let it take over your thoughts. Don't battle and struggle to recover. Acceptance is the key to recovery. Accept how you feel at the moment, don't struggle, be good to yourself and take each day as it comes. Everything will fall into place, but not overnight.

22-01-10, 16:17
Well I've been for the interview and I don't want the job. Might have a date tomorrow but feel it's pointless only going for the movie as it may not be my ideal woman.

I'm in a weird place right now. The last week I've had this impending doom to do nothing. I just to sit and watch life go by as there's no right chance for me. I duno why i feel like this it's not me. My head just has this failed friendship in my head and I just see a timeline of how long I've been single.

It's never been me to take up a half chance if it doesn't feel right. My anxiety has covered up the real me I'm messed up. Just when will I feel myself again, the passion, ability to find the right chance?

Everything is wrong and weird. :lac::wacko:am I the only person whos ever felt this way?

22-01-10, 16:28
You don't have to go to a movie with an "ideal woman"!! You can actually go and enjoy it for what it is. You've got to try and help yourself and just go with the flow. And the job that you don't want: is it the job, or you? I think you really need to think seriously about your feelings. You may be missing chances by looking for perfection. And you'll never get perfection.
Perhaps you need a change in medication (I assume you are already taking something). You are so low that you are making yourself miserable.

22-01-10, 16:41
You don't have to go to a movie with an "ideal woman"!! You can actually go and enjoy it for what it is. You've got to try and help yourself and just go with the flow. And the job that you don't want: is it the job, or you? I think you really need to think seriously about your feelings. You may be missing chances by looking for perfection. And you'll never get perfection.
Perhaps you need a change in medication (I assume you are already taking something). You are so low that you are making yourself miserable.

I've had that many good chances with jobs I wanted and never got. I've kind of been applying for jobs that I'm mixed on if I actually want it as my agreement with the job centre is to apply to so many a week. I duno what's better no dates, or dates for the sake of me being desperate.

I'm going to try and go on the date and see. I don't mean ideal woman as in perfect but I use dating sites and it's been months since I had a good conversation and clicked. It's almost fighting to make convo and I just feel yuck when it comes to effort now.

I know I am being negative but I've been very happy, moderately happy along the way and now so much has happened it's taken it's tole. I'm at square one..not sure what I want, how to get it and I know I can only go and try otherwise I'd maybe feel worse. I feel how I feel always something on my mind just seems such a struggle.

I might go and watch a comedy DVD later or something I feel i need to suck my mind out all this pressure and where to go in life because it's too hard. Towards the end of last year I just wished somebody else would make choices for me.

22-01-10, 16:49
You do sound exhausted, but honestly, I'd try and get out there. It's the only way. You've got to accept how you feel, not fight it, and it'll gradually get better. It's the only way. Even if you don't feel like doing something just do it and it'll get easier and easier. Not having a job makes it more difficult if you are home lots of the time so hopefully something will come up for you. In the meantime all you can do is keep applying. I feel for you but you can turn a corner. You won't always feel like this. If you are out and about you will take interest in what's round about you and not so much in your own feelings. Don't give up hope.

22-01-10, 20:03
You know Phil, it's so frustrating giving advice sometimes because you can see something so clearly that the person in the thick of it can't. I'm sure Myra will agree with me because she tries to help many people here too.

I wouldn't repeat myself for many people but I like you and I've read many of your posts and genuinely believe you want to change and get better.

Let me put it like this. What you've been through has isolated you. You end up living in a bubble and reality gets distorted. Good things can appear bad and visa versa. There has to be a beginning. You have to make a start. And all we're saying here is make that start. Doesn't matter what it is. Just give yourself enough of a push to get out there. That push is the hard bit. What follows will be a chain reaction that will lead to other things. But you must start that chain reaction with that initial push. And that initial push must come from you - not anyone else.

I hope that makes sense.

01-07-10, 20:30
Just wanted to bring up how I feel again in general..feel just crap, ill alot of the time. When I'm out I'm just not enjoying life, feeling part of it? Felt this way for a good few months, rarely a good moment? Has anybody else felt this way and for how long? I am cutting my panic attacks down to maybe 3/4 a day compared to about ten.

I feel alot more relaxed, but also feel very low, depressed. Been to the doctor who's gave me self help for anxiety. I can't see much of the root of the problem, maybe a bit depressed from some of the year. Really down about my love life still..

I just want a day to come where I feel a lift from this low crappy mood..I was working today and just felt like being in my bed. Is it normal to feel ill? Again I just feel laggy from all the anxiety I've had, depressed!..I don't really see a tomorrow cure..each day is quite hard just to boost myself up at the moment.

Sometimes I feel I'm depressing myself if anything..I always concern my self by these physical anxiety feelings, or low moods. Sometimes reading stuff about people feeling this way for years is not always a good thing. I'm 21..all the doctor can say is anxiety..taking prorpranlol again..is there much I can do to being some happiness back so I don't feel as down? generally it's just a cycle..looking at my symptoms they seem similar, but worse in the last few months? I don't cope with set backs well..:unsure:

I really need to get over this? :wacko:

01-07-10, 20:39
Sounds like we're in a similar boat, Phil.

I'm 21 and, to be honest, I'm quite depressed about my love life too. I have no confidence whatsoever to get out there and approach a woman for this irrational fear of rejection. It sounds stupid, cos I'm not a bad looking guy and I'm actually pretty fun to be around.

Just keep trying. Keep going out and eventually it will become second nature again.

I know this sounds hard cos I'm going through the same. Very little motivation, but I'm trying.

All the best.

06-07-10, 15:47
I just want to talk a bit more about this..

Like I sometimes get a mild panic attack and my breathing goes all weird..so for the rest of the day my chest feels sore, I feel ill, trouble breathing even though it's fine...

I've come to a natural conclusion that there is nothing wrong with me physically but I am dipping in and out of depression...

*I feel very annoyed at what has gone wrong in the past, I spent alot of time remembering my failures, remembering the good moments I enjoyed and I can't have now.

*I worry alot about the future. Lately the thought of not knowing what's ahead the next second has given me alot of fear rather than "wow I'm looking forward to some good times ahead".

*Age worries me, I don't see any positive..I've had alot of jobs and that depresses me as other people can be in one years. I just worry I'm going round in circles without any end result. I'm very insecure about the future..when I will settle, how long will it be, feel like giving up on new chances quickly in love even though they have not taken off.

*I just generally feel absolutely hungover, weird, strange, very tired some days for no reason. Can depression cause this? I also feel very numb with emotion..I don't know what is going on in my head but I am 21 and feel I've lived my life, I know there's more out there but I feel oh I've done it all and failed..that was life? The thought of marrying like three times depresses me as I'd be hurt alot, I'd be depressed in between like I am now..I've lost alot of my ambition as I fear feeling low. I want to be positive but it's very hard. I feel I really shouldn't be feeling this way at 21 but as I get older, I actually feel it will trouble me more. The ages like 30, 40 will send me into a mid life crisis of depression I fear.

*Some days I just feel like doing very little...lie in bed even. I sometimes don't feel alive.

*Generally my sleeping pattern has never been good. Latey as I became more anxious it got more uneven, more sleepless nights, I have weird sleeping patterns like 12am one night, 1am next, up at 7 or 8 sometimes other days I sleep until 11am if I am not working..Sometimes when I'm off work I delay breakfast until lunchtime...

*In general my body like today for example just feels achy, sore, tired, my eyes are dim, had ten hours sleep but never went offline until 12am last night...I forget the better days I've had in the last few months and see this as a prolonged illness I am suffering..that depresses me more, I described depersonalization as the worst, dullest most doomiest state of mind you can ever be in. It's awful.

*It just goes on and on, it went from barely manageable to unmanable this year...symptoms, anxiety, worry, fear, stress....I have such a bleak outlook on life at the moment..very little or nobody can get through to me but my ownself crawling out of the bubble..for a day, then going back in...I don't think it's normal..everything is a struggle..every day I feel fatigued to do much..I can work though...as I say age worries me, maybe I "wanted" to settle young, maybe it would be no better if I did...maybe I am just living in dreamland? I now no longer know what I want..but I still have my spirit to keep going trying, adding more stress.....:ohmy:

A few days ago I just suddenly felt so depressed..it just happens.. I am in such a dark place at the moment..how can every day be a struggle..self help things are trivial and don't have much impact, I don't wanna have to go on anti depressants...I feel very alone since losing a friendship..I feel very alone being single..I wonder if more success will help down the line...what is going on with me? Why can't I get on with life quietly without moaning? I know myself words of wisdom but I'm sitting here pettily feeling sorry for how I feel...hoping it will pass..well it will eventually...in a few hours maybe, a day or so, until the next moment of anxiety? panic? depression..never ending!!

Endless posts, worries, all just got on top of me..I can't seem to cope with it..my thoughts rule my life at the moment...I feel so puzzled..if it is depression and anxiety can it make you this bad..is there worse? am I really bad? :wacko::lac:

I am only 21 but I feel I've been there..got the T-shirt and thats life!