View Full Version : psychiatric hospital

18-01-10, 11:40
I was just wondering if anyone here has been in one, my doctor wants to place me in one to help me cope a little and i just want some advice from people on what it'll be like and if it will help!

18-01-10, 11:45
I went into a phsychiatric hospital many years ago. I didn't want to go but glad i did. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be and it really helped me.Things really looked up for me after my time in there. For me it was a really positive experience.

18-01-10, 12:11
i am a little scared about it. But i think it might help me. i need to learn how to deal with the anxiety and panic attacks and how to be alone!

18-01-10, 12:38
I hate being alone too. Being in the house on my own and going out on my own. Find it really difficult. Always thinking something bad will happen if i'me alone. Feel really vulnerable and exposed when i go out and when i'me at work. Just keep trying to look forward to a time when i won't feel like this.

18-01-10, 12:42
Thats how i feel constantly, and since my bf broke up with me on thursday, i feel like my life is over and id rather die then deal with this. I hoping if i go into the hosp it will help me, but what about when i leave, and come back to an empty house