View Full Version : second post today but serious concern

18-01-10, 11:42
Hi all, on my other post you will see i was worrying about cramp in my calf every time i stand. My calf hurts if i tense it or lift it up. I googled it ( i know) and it came up with DVT! as im pregnant im at increased risk. I only found this out 2 weeks ago when the midwife scared the crap out of me. Any hoo, the leg isnt tender to touch but does hurt as i mentioned it i flex it & when walking it instantly cramps. Do you think i need to speak to the doc about DVT? x

18-01-10, 11:47

Yeah you can ask the Dr, it doesn't hurt to check it out but the chances are slim especially since you have health anxiety.

Congrats on the pregnancy my little one is now nearly 4 months :ohmy:

Make an appointment and you will feel much better:bighug1:

18-01-10, 11:48
I don't think you are going to stop worrying about it until you speak to the doctor. But I'm sure it'll be a pulled muscle or something simple that will go away. Please try not to worry. I find that most people who take serious illnesses just take them and don't have time to think about what if it's........!! Anxiety sufferers think everything is serious and look at the worst possible scenario - I do it myself! But honestly, it would be a huge coincidence.

18-01-10, 13:07
thanks both! spoke to my anxiety doc who said it doesnt sound like dvt & im probably cramping because im being sick 3 times a day so i have to go & pick up some sachets for electolikes (spelling) x

18-01-10, 13:33
Hey there

I suffer from crampy legs, and when I was pregnant it was especially painful. I had special tests done to check for blood clots, they will do this as a matter of urgency for you seeing as you are pg.

Please note I NEVER had blood clots. And the midwife/gp suggested to drink indian tonic water, or have a bag of ready salted crisps every day.

Do go to your docs for your piece of mind and to get checked out, I am sure its nothing but the joys of pregnancy


18-01-10, 14:13
I would put a warm flannel on it for awhile or go for a nice hot bath, to try and relax your muscles, see if that help's. failing that A check up would be good. or even ring the NHS helpline and ask them, Sometimes its easier getting help over the phone when you know the other person doesnt know who you are and cant see you. Hope everything works out. And am sure it's nothing to worry about .