View Full Version : Anyone else on Mirtazipine?

18-01-10, 12:40
I was firstly put on 15mg at the beginning of December after trying Citaopram and Fluoxotine. I didn't make much progress so my GP upped it to 45mg which I have been on for 4 weeks. The tiredness is not to bad and doens't reallt affect me during the day, I just have a job staying up after 9pm.
My panic attacks have stopped and I managed to return to work and studies in the begining of January. My problem is I feel strange! I feel kinda numb really but cannot turn my mind off. I am constantly thinking about how other people are feeling. I can't remember what it was to feel "normal" or happy. I am sure Mirt is doing some good, but I just want to feel happy more than anything.
Can anyone else share Mirt stories? Thanks:ohmy:

18-01-10, 13:47
I am on Mirt nothing else worked terrible side effects only take 7.5 mg in morning and b 4 bed along side cbt has worked really well 4 me really help me sleep that was my worst problem. Have found i can b a bit forgetful but thats probably my age

18-01-10, 18:23
Crikey, 7.5mg sounds so little compared with 45mg. My doctor siad he wanted to hit this hard as it is nothing like any of my past experiences. Glad to hear it is working for someone else as every story I read about Mirt is so negative!

19-01-10, 20:22
:wacko:I have started taking Mirtazipine that was prescribed for me by my G.P last week, i have been started on the 30mg dose.....in the last 7 days of taking it everthing has become a effort, I am a mother with 4 children and work full time as a senior carer in a E.M.I unit. I do get a good nights sleep which was not happening before i started on the mert, but feel spaced out and just want to sleep....it is also causing problems in work where i am forgetful as i administer medication to my patients i have asked the other staff to take over this as i feel unsafe to practise this....should i go back to my G.P or should i stick with it how long will it take before what i am feeling subsides i have had good dreams but everything seems a effort.

19-01-10, 21:56
Hi, yes i'm on mirtazipine,
The doctor moved me up onto 30mg this week, i'm having a few side affects from it, and no great improvements yet. I was on citalopram but that gave me bad nightmares, but i have not had any of them with mirt, well not yet, fingers crossed.

20-01-10, 20:01
I haven't really had any of the spaced out feelings. When i was on 15mg after and hour of taking it I could feel myself drifting and my legs turned to lead. But being on 45mg I haven't had those feelings. I have never been one for staying up late, but it is harder tyo stay up past 10pm or so. I understand that the sedative affect is worse on the lower dose. Definately though, any side affects I may have felt have worn off and I have been on it coming up to 6 weeks. I think I have just had to accept that come evening time, I need to take it easier, which is hard being a trainee teacher!
It definately has had an affect on my anxiety, I don't feel 100%, but anything is better than the state I was in. I can function now, just wish I felt happier.
Redrainbow, I didn't feel any positive affects for about 4 weeks, so stick witht. I am proud of myself for sticking with it. I too didn't get on Citalopram.
ImperfectIknow, it is hard I know to concentrate, but I have found that has improved. You sound like me, a hard working woman and mum, it is hard, but at one point my husband had to take time off work ro look after me and the children, I missed 2 months of work and studies. I am now back to it all and while I am not 100%, I am able to do what I need to do and be the mum my girls need again. Good luck!

20-01-10, 20:21
Hi everyone. Just wanted to say how surprised I am that our experiences are the same and yet so different at the same time. Some of us have nightmares on one drug and sweet dreams on another and vice versa. A high dose of mirt makes some less drowsy than lower doses (wheres the logic, I cant work a one out). It sort of means that any advice we give each other isn't set in stone! Still, helps to give and get advice from like minded people though doesn't it? Even if I don't contribute sometimes, these posts are worth their weight in gold! Im having the best day Ive had since about December 18th 2009.The difference, 15mg mirtazapine (still aim to ween off it asap coz of anger issues though), loads of exercise and healthy eating and drinking. Hope it lasts!

21-01-10, 14:42
I was on Mirtazapine 15mg last year but stopped after 2 weeks because I couldn't stay awake during the day but couldn't sleep at night despite taking it an hour or 2 before bed as advised by my Dr.

My Mum is on 30mg and has been for 3 months, she feels no better at all and still getting these huge waves of depression come over her out of nowhere. I said maybe she needs it upping or maybe they just aren't the right tablets?

21-01-10, 15:00
Cat80. This week is better than last week for me. Looking back at my daily diary I can see where the changes are...the side effects from the 15mg mirtazapine are wearing off and Im exercising regularly. My diet is getting better. Where I can Ive cut out fats, sugar, processed foods, some caffeine (though coffee is a challenge), cut out bread, etc. I really don't think we can rely on drugs alone. It has to be a whole lifestyle change, at least thats what seems to be helping me. Has your mum had no improvement whatsoever coz if she hasn't I agree with you, she needs to go back to the doc poor thing....

22-01-10, 15:01
Cat, I have heard that Mirt is more for Anxiety than depression, this could be a reason why it is not working for your mum. Mirt has stopped me having panic attacks, I now need to work on lifting my mood and feel I need to do that myself with a bit of hard work.