View Full Version : Hi there

18-01-10, 13:46
Hi all,

I joined this site a couple of year's ago and got some useful help. Although I can't remember my log in details looking over the forum's I can remember some names. Let me tell you about myself.

I am 29 male from england northwest, I have suffered with panic / anxiety attacks on and off since I was about 13. It got to the point a couple of year's ago where I was finding it hard to live. I would find it hard to step out of my house, even simple things like going to the pub with my friends was a big step. And if I didn't feel 100% right I just couldn't go and would make up excuses. Getting a job was hard as my panic anxiety attacks normally happened when I found myself in a situation where I just couldnt get up and leave if I wanted too. If I felt trapped it would freak me out. So the thought of sitting in a small room having a job interview I just couldn't do it.

I found this forum and started talking. I was feeling good and postive. and after awhile someone suggested I wrote a letter to my Doctor explaining everything. I let it all out wrote him a letter saying everything, And how I needed help but my fears it wasnt easy for me to just walk into the doctors as it would trigger my panic attack off. I sent it off. A couple of weeks went by with no answer. eventually after a month my brother had a check up and he mentioned it to the doctor if he had my letter. After than the doctors receptionist rang me. She stated that the doctor could fit me in that afternoon, I was like but I can't just go down. she said she would get the doctor to ring me. I felt a sense of relive thinking he was going to talk to me about stuff over the phone first step of getting help. I waited awhile and the phone rang it was the doctor. He was useless basically told me to come in and see him if I needed to talk about anything. That was all. I even had the receptionist ring me back in the afternoon and she was being really funny with me saying that a appointment was booked and I didn't turn up. I told her I didn't book the appointment. After that I felt mad. But something changed inside in. I realised that no one could help me but myself. I made a promise that day I was going to snap out of it. I started to force myself to go out everyday just for a walk. and to talk to one person I don't know even if it was a simple "Hello". this helped lot's every little step I was growing in confidence. Finally I saw a job advertised for a caretaker at my local community hall. I sent off my CV and got a call the same day asking me to meet them for a interview. All the panic emotions started flooding back, but I thought am not letting this get the better of me. I knew this job entialed dealing alot with the public and it would benifit me alot. So I went for the interview I was as straight with them as I could be told them about my panic anexity attacks. But how I thought I could do the job and why. I started to feel panicky but quickly started talking more to get the thoughts out of my head. At the end of the interview they offered me the job. My confidence was high. Even though I knew I was shy and lacked confidence I felt I could do it. since then things have been going pretty well I wouldnt say am over it I still get panicky now and again.

But the thing I'm going through now is. Theres something every day I have to worry about. Am so scared of becoming ill. Each day is a battle with my body it's almost like I find something wrong with me on purpose to worry about. weather it be a lump in my ear, or a sore throat to too many headaches etc. It's driving me mad. I don't want to feel like this, And again need some support. I am sorry for making you read all of that. But hopefully some people suffering with panic and anxiety attack. Can take something from what I experinced.

And I look forwards to talking to you all soon

18-01-10, 13:48
Hi lonewolf

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-01-10, 14:55
Hey lonewolf. I'm new to this site as well and i know what you're going through.
I think it's great that you are facing your fears and not giving up. I know it's hard.
Something also happened to me the other day that made me realise I needed to change my ways. I went for a short walk and while walking and thinking those horrilble thoughts in my head (i'm going to faint/ lose control), i said to myself- trust yourself, and suddenly, i felt so much more confident. I was walking although feeling weak I felt better with that thought.
That happened after a few days I'd been depressed feeling so low and felt completely helpless.
It only happened a few days ago, but I already feel stronger. I've been depressed for too long and really want to do something with my life. I also had CBT but couldn't afford a therapist so it didn't work too well.

I also worry about things every day but when I get worried I try to think of the present. Concentrate on colours, things, people and that distracts me from all those horrible thoughts. Also if you worry about your health you can go do some tests and feel better about yourself. I also found out when I'm bored I tend to over think about bad things. So now I read more or do something else to change the pattern in my brain.

It's hard work but it will be worth it..
I used to have panic attacks on a daily basis, but now I know i cause it so if i get panicky, i breath slowly and tell myself it will go away. There's no point fighting it.. It's like being stuck in a swamp. the more you move and resist it the deeper you will go..


18-01-10, 15:09
hey cat thanks for your reply. You see the thing with me is that. With my HA problem's it's not a simple fact of I think I have a problem I will go to doctors and get it looked at. Its because I have a massive fear of doctors and hospitals. I stupidly broke my big toe and toe next to it a couple of years ago during a drunken night out. long story. I knew I needed to get it checked out the pain was unbearable, but even then I didnt go to the hospital I just dealt with it. I know if I am ill I just wouldnt be able to face going to doctors or hospital. I haven't been to the doctors for about 15 years now. I think its getting worse because as I am getting older I think its getting closer to a day where I will get something and have to go to the doctors.

19-01-10, 19:19
Do you think you would feel better if someone came with you?
I went with my hubby, although he doesn't understand my fears it was good to have someone with me.

As you mentioned in the other post, you know it's the best place to be in case you have a panic attack or faint. So what is the worst thing that can happen to you do you think?
It's always good to challenge the thought that scares you as you sometimes find out it's not so ad aftet all.
Hope that helped abit :)
