View Full Version : sorry for posting again really scared

anx mum
18-01-10, 14:22
Really scared:weep: had constant pain in calf for 3 weeks now really painful doc said its slightly swollen the pain is mostly a dull ache but has been sharp. Docs thought it might of been a dvt and was treated for a couple of days and was sent for a ultrasound really thought one would b found but came bk negative really confused and worried what can b causing me so much pain?

18-01-10, 14:31
are you the same person as tashbarnes87? They too are suffering from calf problem's. Remeber to yourself that, If it was DVT then the ultrasound would of easily picked it up. I think you can relax abit and forget about DVT. It could be as simple as a pulled muscles I have had this before this wouldnt really dhow up on a ultrascan I don't think. and it does cause a lot of trouble esp when you suffer them HA and focus in on the calf every day and night. it might sound weird but do you cross your legs alot? I know this can cause problems with your calf mucles. Am sure it's nothing to much to worry about. But speak to the doctor again if you want to make sure.

anx mum
18-01-10, 14:38
so fed up this has been going on a month now:weep: just want a answer keep thinking perharps they have missed it on ultra sound test. Just want 2 b well even walking is a struggle.

18-01-10, 14:49
We all do that, think they have missed something and we are ill with a serious problem. These a trained professionals and they do this everyday, if it has been going on for a month and it was DVT I think you would be really bad and it would be seen on a ultrascan alot easier. Is it getting any worse? and if you feel you can go for another check up go for one. This isn't because I think its something serious ( I know how words can play on peoples mind who have HA) its just for your own peace of mind.

18-01-10, 14:57
i feel for you so much i think you are scared ,but i think its nothing you should worry about i was a nurse 15 years if nothing showed on scan then try to take your mind off it love be well xx

anx mum
18-01-10, 15:09
doc sending me for an xray on my knee just so down just want 2 b well for my boys. Thank god for u guys just feels like noone understands. How accurate r these scans?

18-01-10, 15:17
the scans are very accurte you might have a cartalidge problem ,, if this scan ok if i was you i would try to stop worrying love ,, god bless and keep you safe<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/tigers/msparrie/misc stuff/Snowtigers.gif?o=37" target="_blank"><img src="http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt209/msparrie/misc%20stuff/Snowtigers.gif" border="0"></a><a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/tigers/msparrie/misc stuff/Snowtigers.gif?o=37" target="_blank"><img src="http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt209/msparrie/misc%20stuff/Snowtigers.gif" border="0"></a><a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/tigers/msparrie/misc stuff/Snowtigers.gif?o=37" target="_blank"><img src="http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt209/msparrie/misc%20stuff/Snowtigers.gif" border="0"></a><a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/tigers/msparrie/misc stuff/Snowtigers.gif?o=37" target="_blank"><img src="http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt209/msparrie/misc%20stuff/Snowtigers.gif" border="0"></a><a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/tigers/msparrie/misc stuff/Snowtigers.gif?o=37" target="_blank"><img src="http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt209/msparrie/misc%20stuff/Snowtigers.gif" border="0"></a>

18-01-10, 15:20
sorry i was trying to send you picture hope you can read reply

18-01-10, 15:30

Your anxiety is so high that nothing or no-one can put your mind at rest about this. It's become an obsession. This is because your mind is so tired and gets stuck in a groove. If you can't relax a bit then your doctor will HAVE to give you something to help you move on. My heart goes out to you because I've felt anxiety like that many years ago and I'll never forget it. But you can get through it with the right help and understanding. Maybe it is an ortho problem, which will be able to get fixed. But it's not a dvt so please try and be reassured about this.

18-01-10, 15:53
hun, my legs are sore today a dull ache that hurts when i move them. They would not miss a bloodclot on an ultrasound they know how vital it is that they have to be sure. I think that this is just something your obsessing over as it scares you so much. Are you on any medication for your anxiety? x

18-01-10, 16:00
Anxmum, clearly you're are in a panic at the moment but have you sat down and reasoned what it might be other than DVT?

Are you overweight, could that be putting a strain on your lower legs?
Is there an old injury that might be acting up?
Did you pull a muscle and it is taking a while to heal?
Do you sit with your legs folded under you or with your legs up on the coffee table?
Do you have arthritis or anything wrong with your joints?
Do you have tight calves generally - when you flex your foot does it feel tight and sore?

Any of these might be causing the problem. Has your doc made any suggestion as to what it is rather than what it isn't?

anx mum
18-01-10, 18:01
gp dosent know what it is wants me 2 go for an xray on bones. Just sick of bein in pain and not knowing why? Havent had any injurys or anythink.

anx mum
18-01-10, 21:29
rung doc earlier sobbing my heart out feel so helpless hes given me some stronger pankillers aint stopped pain yet really fear i have a clot im so scared.

18-01-10, 22:20
Has he told told you it could an probably is all related to tension....

18-01-10, 23:05
Hun, u have to accept its not a clot, u have had the ultrasound.

the pain wont go while u are so anxious and tense.

mandie xx

19-01-10, 09:58
If your doc wants you to have an Xray he might suspect a stress fracture.

If that it what it is you will need to rest it - nothing more.

anx mum
19-01-10, 10:12
no doc hasent said its tension referred me 2 a specialit not intil the 27th dont now whas going on but know its scaring me.

19-01-10, 12:28
If your doc thought it was anything urgent surely you would be seeing the specialist before the 27th?

Perhaps you ought to let that put your mind at rest?

You had an ultrasound. It was clear.

Think about it - your doctor wants to you to have an Xray. Xrays only look at your bones. That tells me he has ruled out anything being wrong with your soft tissue - that includes blood clots. He is moving on to investigate elsewhere because he knows you are still in pain. In fact he is doing this precisely because he knows you do not have a blood clot and that the problem, if there is one, lies elsewhere.

I know it is hard when your irrational mind gets a grip but you need to try to follow your doctor's logic instead. It will help.

anx mum
19-01-10, 12:43
thanks for all ur replies. I do agree its taking over my life cos im in constant pain when i wake up til i go 2 sleep. Tash wheres ur pain?

19-01-10, 17:22
Well what you need to do is ask your doc to give you some information not just let ou leave with no clue what it may be and just leaving you even more anxious.

He may only be referring you because he knows that you are anxious and that the only way to help you out of it is to show you there is nothing wrong. He's trying to do the right thing but it sounds like you just need to hear that off him rather than having no info and just tests for nothing in particular.

19-01-10, 17:26
Think about it - your doctor wants to you to have an Xray. Xrays only look at your bones. That tells me he has ruled out anything being wrong with your soft tissue - that includes blood clots. He is moving on to investigate elsewhere because he knows you are still in pain. In fact he is doing this precisely because he knows you do not have a blood clot and that the problem, if there is one, lies elsewhere.

Good advice !

Is the pain in both of your calves ? In the same place ? Is that only where the pain is ?

anx mum
19-01-10, 18:17
no in my knees and left calf

19-01-10, 18:47
So, it is in both your knees and your left calf ? So that would perhaps indicate that it could be referred pain in your calf from one of the knees. They really would know if you had a DVT from the tests already done, and anyway you wouldn't have pain in both knees if it was DVT. Has the doctor talked through with you any possibilities for diagnosis ?

anx mum
19-01-10, 20:57
not really just so scared and in alot of pain

19-01-10, 21:07
Has he not even given you the smallest idea of what he thinks?

anx mum
19-01-10, 21:14
he has said could b a joint problem got an xray a week 2moz been in alot of pain today.

19-01-10, 21:20
I really do understand where you are it's not a great place. Please try and listen to the advice from everyone in here we all can relate to you as we have all been there. Your not on your own and the very reason your posting on this forum is because you know in times when you are capable of rational though that you have an anxiety problem.

Guess what that is all this is. Sometimes in life people may get genuinely sick but what our problem with this is that we cannot define that. You are fine and healthy and your only problem is your inability to see reason that you are fine. You may have a joint problem but you probably don't. It really is a miracle of the human body that we can create symptoms that are so powerful they trick our mind.

Do not worry anymore you will be fine you just have an ache in your legs and the more you think about it and the more upset you get then tenser it becomes. How is your head now? I bet that has taken a backseat now you are not chanelling your thoughts to it.

J x

19-01-10, 21:21
It's a shame, I really despair for you. You seem stuck in a miserable groove. I honestly think that when you lose some of your anxiety that your pain won't be so bad. It's a pity your doctor couldn't have given you an x-ray request and you could have taken it straight up to hospital and got it done right away to reassure you. Maybe it doesn't work like that up your way? It honestly doesn't seem like anything to worry about. Why don't you go for a hot bath and try and relax a wee bit and that will hopefully relieve your leg pain a bit as well.

19-01-10, 21:22
I get sore joints all the time (knees and ankles too) and I think that makes me stand on my legs funny then I get muscle aches in my legs from poor posture.

Can you go and see a Chiropractor or an Osteopath to see if your body is out of wack? They may be able to help you feel better.

Take care and try to focus on something else xxxxx

anx mum
19-01-10, 21:38
yeah jay my heads r much better now adays.Since the bells palsey have felt realy bad got anamia. Get frustrated cos just want 2 b well for my boys.

19-01-10, 21:47
Do you think your head is better due to your attention and anxiety being turned to another symptom?

anx mum
19-01-10, 21:55
seemed 2 get better after takin pregabalin and havin mri test just wish i knew what was causing so much pain

19-01-10, 22:15
Last year my MIL had the same as you and thought the same. Mind you she is 75 and overweight and has varicose veins. Brought her to doc and she was in tears thinking it was a clot and pain was so bad. It wasn't a clot, it was coming from her hip, referred pain and hitting on a nerve plus she had swelling. Spent a few days in hospital. Now she still gets the same pain, same symptoms but knows that it is not a clot and does not dwell on it as much. The more you focus on a pain somewhere the worse it gets. Your brain can create as much pain as you allow it. I have done it, and many more here have too. If you have valium or xanax take one and as your anxiety comes down I bet the pain will too.
Take care.

19-01-10, 22:24
What i'm trying to say is that the legs are the same as the headache was. You need to break the cycle no because you'll only get over this once you start thinking about something else. The mri subconciously reassured your and I bet the pills you took acted more of a placebo.

You really need to accept that this is just a cycle being brought onto yourself. Think about it and all the other symptoms you have been through that at the time was your one and only focus and then given time you moved onto something else. This is just the same. Really!

19-01-10, 22:58
Did you know Anx mum that you can have real physical symptoms and pains and there be absoultely nothing wrong.

I am reading a book about Health Anxiety at the moment and this does sound like you.

People move from one symptom to the other and the pains are completely real - you are not imagining them - but there is nothing wrong at all.

Maybe you could look into some form of counselling instead of all these tests etc as you have moved from severe headaches for months to Belles palsy to this and when I was reading this book it mimicked you to a tee.

I am not doubting the pain you are in but I am saying that you can get severe HA and it causes all these aches and pains and they may never find anything wrong.

I was thinking this a few months ago when you went from one pain to another and never mentioned the headaches again and now the aching face seems ok.

You get reassured then you find a new pain and I truely believe you need to get to the root cause of this and that I believe is plain and simple HA and that can be treated too.

Good luck and let me know what help you can get for that.

20-01-10, 00:55
Hope everyone is feeling well - so glad that I found this site ... might have help me with the relief I need.

I was having indigestion, chest pains, shoulder pains, you name it, turned out I had a bad gallbladder for yearsssssssssssss and no one knew it. I've had it removed and i'm still ahving some indigestion issues, but not that bad as it was.

How many ER visits I have had in the past ... its sad, i've had too many - thinking I'm having a heart attack - to find out from a cardiologist 6 months ago - nothing is wrong - so many tests - nothing - they find nothing - too young for many things they tell me...

Lately, i've had very bad back pain - which in turns comes to the chest area on and off. Chiroporactor's don't help -- some have mentioned celiac disease... some say that i slouch at the computer table --- leading to neck issues...

I'm at my wits end... I think horrible thoughts with every ache and pain.

Someone help!

anx mum
20-01-10, 10:08
The bells p was real and u could see it so sorry i dont belive all my symptoms r in my head. My headaches i cant explain? Dont want 2 have these pains just want them sorted suppose 2 be getting married aug.

20-01-10, 10:45
Hi anxmum,

I'm interested in why you say you are "supposed to be getting married in August" rather than "I am getting married in August." Is the wedding dependent on your wellbeing?

Could it be that anxiety about your wedding or, in fact, anxiety about not feeling well enough to enjoy it is the root cause of what you are feeling at the moment?