View Full Version : new - heart worrier

18-01-10, 14:36
hi im new here =] ne way im a big heart worrier after having my baby by c section my heart rate stayed at around 100 n odd for 3 days n then eventually went down i never knew why, but they pumped me with fluids and anti b's so im taking as i had a virus or it was shock cos the sections was pretty fast. ne way since then i have been a compulsive pulse checker, my hr has gone up from a healthy 62 - 72 bpm to a 80 - 90 bpm during rest im scared theres something wrong, im on 30mg of propranolol a day but i still get a high rate. im so scared im gna die :wacko:

18-01-10, 15:28
hi emma your not going to die ,, they gave you antibiotics ,because of the c section ,, as you know lots of bugs in hospitals now so they wouldnt want you getting ill i was nrse ,,thats how i know .. as for heart rate its not bad .its about normal , plus you are worrying that wont help ,,you will be fine:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

18-01-10, 15:36
Hello Emma,

You are not going to die. Your heart rate will now be going up because of anxiety. It's unpleasant but nothing will happen to your heart. It'll calm down when you do. Try and distract yourself when you feel most anxious and don't take your pulse!! Take some slow deep breaths. You will get over this but if it gets too much for you then speak to your gp. You'll also get support and reassurance from people here that have had the same symptoms. You are not alone:hugs:

18-01-10, 16:40
thanks for your replys what gets me is that the fact is my hr is still up when im not anxious! and goes wild when im walking to the shop and come home it takes ages to settle !

18-01-10, 16:46
Hi Emma, I only joined this site recently but like you my problems with anxiety started after mt csection 5 months ago and I worry mainly about my heart too. It skips beeps (loads some times and for hours on end) races and sometimes takes days to settle down. I find it really scary and that only makes it worse. I'm a constant pulse checker too! Did you have a long labour? I was in labour about 36 hrs and then had emergency csection.

Becky xx

18-01-10, 16:56
no i didnt have a labour at all, i went to my midwife cos i was over due by a week and she did a sweep then checked the babys heart beat, the babys heart beat was up and down so she sent me straight to the hospital, got there they checked the baby and her heart kept stopping so i was rushed straight in!!! so it was very traumatic. my babys 5 months too =] congrats. i was okay for the first two months then al of a sudden i had a palpatation and had a huge panic attack first one in so many years got rushed to the hos like u do! and ever since then my hr has been high!!!! xx