View Full Version : Hi, suffering with illness phobia

18-01-10, 15:52
Hi, my name is Kirsty and i'm 31 and 8 months pregnant with my second child. Since becoming pregnant I have become obsessed with the thought that everything is contaminated by blood and that I will catch HIV from it. It is affecting me on a daily basis, I can't go out shopping without thinking I have seen a speck of blood. On Friday I went shopping and the girl behind the counter handed me a carrier bag and it wasn't until I had filled it up with shopping that I noticed an orangey/red mark on it, which I was convinced was blood. By the time I got home I was convinced all my shopping and my handbag, purse and car were contaminated. I haven't used my handbag or my car since. It is getting so bad that my hands are red raw from washing them. I had a bit of an OCD obsession when I was about 9 years old but just seemed to get over it, it's as if pregnancy has set it off again, and I'm worried my 3 year old son will start to pick up on it. Help!:shrug:

18-01-10, 15:53
Hi bloomingfox

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-01-10, 15:58
Hello Kirsty,

It sounds as though it might be your hormones that have started making you feel a bit anxious again and this has led to the repeated thoughts. Hormones are all over the place when pregnant!! Repeated thoughts depend on our dislike of them to keep happening. When they don't matter then they stop happening. Try not to let them matter, even though it might feel overwhelming, just carryon with whatever you were doing and let the thought pass over you. It's only a thought and can't do any real harm. Deep down you know that the hiv thing won't happen but it's anxiety that's fuelling it. If it gets too much then speak to your gp. And don't worry about your wee son, I'm sure you're a great mum and he'll be oblivious!

18-01-10, 16:03
Thanks Myra, I never thought about the hormone side of it. Just want to enjoy my family and not have anymore of these stupid thoughts going through my head, hopefully once the baby is born they will stop. You don't know how much better I feel talking about it to someone and someone actually taking the time to reply means an awful lot.