View Full Version : Optic disk drusan

18-01-10, 18:46
Hello all, its me again:blush: Has anyone got or heard of optic disk drusan? Its calcium depsits that collect on the the optic nerve? Apperently they are harmless and would not be causing my vision problems but i googled :scared15: i know i should not of but i did and now ive read so many horror storys. I could really do with chatting to someone that has it or knows about it. Thankyou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-01-10, 21:12
Anybody :weep:

20-01-10, 21:15
Hi Carli,

Probably lots of people have this problem and don't even know they have it. Be reassured that it causes no harm. From the Google point of view if you googled any part of your body you'd get the diagnosis from hell!! Just try and forget about your eye and carry on as normal.

20-01-10, 21:16
Thanks myra :)

20-01-10, 21:17
p.s. and anxiety can cause vision problems, as can other things: medication, etc. Please try not to worry.

20-01-10, 21:17
i will try,lol x

24-03-10, 20:38
Does anyone else have this? xx

24-03-10, 23:02
Hi Carli
yes there is a lot of us with that.but i think you should stop with DR Google and try not to keep worrying about things,maybe try some visiualisation and start to leave the negative behind.I know it is hard but you can do it.It all sounds like anxiety to me.
Take Care :)

25-03-10, 19:03
hi ronny, its a condition hun. Just wanted to know if anyone else had optic disk drusan. xx

25-07-10, 22:34
anyone? x

Going home
26-07-10, 00:09
Yes its a condition Carli, but its a condition that's unlikely you have and people are just trying to reassure you that your health anxiety is more than likely causing your vision problems, though you don't actually tell us what those problems are? Why do you think Google is describing what you have? What symptoms have made you latch onto the symptoms of this particular condition?


26-07-10, 10:43
hiya going home, i do have the condition an eye speaclaist told me. I was just wondering if anyone else had it? xx