View Full Version : Anxiety and burning sensations

21-12-05, 12:06
Does anyone else have burning and prickling pain when they get anxious?

I've been dreading the run-up to Christmas this year - I just can't deal with the silly season any more and every time I think about it my stomach turns over and then the burning starts - mostly in my ribs and chest. Been to the GP with it a few times and been assured that it's not cardiac or anything remotely like it (probably costocondritis to do with my fibromyalgia) or reflux.

However it's uncomfortable and puts me on edge, especially when the prickling and darts of stabbing start.

Any solace or advice would be greatly appreciated.


21-12-05, 12:33
Hi Dorabella

I'm having the same as you at the moment i think it could be the stress of xmas, i've been ok with my anxiety but in the last week or so i've had a few blips. It is uncomfortable and i'm on edge too i can't believe were having the same problem.

I try not to focus on it to much which can be hard,try to keep yourself busy if you can don't let it ruin your xmas maybe it is just a blip that your stressing about xmas. I've still got loads to do and in a little panic about it that i'm not going to get it all done but i know i will but in my mind i'm not. It's all part of this nasty anxiety.

try not to worry to much


21-12-05, 13:16
Thanks Linda - was beginning to think I was the only person whose insides burn because of stress and panic.

Usually for me the anticipation is worse than the actual event. I am the same way when I have to travel anywhere (yes I'm a little agoraphobic as well - what a mess!).

I guess a good stiff drink is in order before I get on that train on Christmas Eve. Hope we both survive the silly season relatively unscathed.
