View Full Version : verry fast heartbeat

21-12-05, 12:53
hi all for the last yr or so i will go 2 bed everthing ok. then il get too hot decide to get up and take t shirt off or get a drink. then within seconds my heart will race so much i cannot stand it fells like its stopping it misses beats and id say it has to be doin 160 to 180 bpm, although i dnt coumt cause i think im dying its lasts frm seconds to about 10 mins and i cannot understand y this only happens at night when i get out of bed quickly, last night was the worst my eyesight even partilly went, it gradually slowed to normal over abt 15 mins. normally much quicker. thats y it was s o bad cause i herd if it continues u die,............ the docs ave told me ur heart cannot beat over 120 in anxirty or panic so why is mine defo doing more although i dnt count them i no.

it feels about 3 times as worse as when u have ran for quite a bit heavy pounding, please does anyone else have this , cheers all les

21-12-05, 13:19
Hi Les,
Have you mentioned all this to your gp and have you seen a cardiologist? If they have checked all this out and said it's normal then it could be anxiety, if not though I would go and get a check up just for peace of mind. As you don't count your pulse it may not be going as fast as it feels. You won't die either, in Claire Weekes book it says the heart can sustain 200+ bpm for many days. Many people get up to 180bpm during exercise, it's just not good if this is a constant resting pulse. Sometimes the fact that we get scared of our heart racing makes it go faster fuelled by adrenalin, so hard not to get scared though!
My heart goes fast sometimes and sometimes pounds for weeks on end, I am always aware of my heartbeat. Mine will shoot up if I leap out of bed suddenly or get up suddenly. I think as I am sensitised to it, it takes much less to set it all off. In fact just reading a post about a fast heartbeat has shot mine up into the 90's! Lol. In fact I should probably stop reading about symptoms as it sets my health anxiety off. The power of the mind! I got really anxious last week and my bp was 178/112 at the doctors, that kept me scared ever since even though it's perfectly normal at home.
My pulse doesn't usually go above 120/122 ish at rest (when anxious), usually alot less but I've had 135 when anxious at hospital once. My gp told me to go to A & E if my resting pulse stayed above 120 for a while but the cardiologist wasn't concerned about this. I have had chest x-rays, exercise ecg, two heart monitors, heart enzymes blood tests and all ok.
I know how scary it feels when your heart races though.

I hope you feel better soon,


21-12-05, 13:51
It is true that the heart can tolerate going very fast for longer periods of time than a lot of people realise,particularly if it is a normal fast heart rate. This is obviously worrying you though, you dont say whether you are anxious prior to it coming on or whether you feel breathless when it is happening, or if you take any medication at night prior to bed. To put your mind at rest you could always make an appointment with your gp to discuss this and emphasise to him/her how much this is worrying you there are simple tests which can be done to set your mind at ease,in the meantime i would avoid (as people are wise to in general) any stimulants like caffiene etc prior to going to bed as this will not help you,let me know how you get on. Meg may be of more use to you as i am fortunate and tachycardia is something i dont suffer from so i have no other personal advice i can give you other than already mentioned.

I just want my life back

21-12-05, 14:22
i have in the past had all the possible tests this was for missed beats and fast beats that i was getting. this was about a yr and a half ago i had blood tests, exersize ecg, echocardiogram, ecgs, and 24 hour monitor.....all come back fine altho he did say my heart does go fast he thought it was stress or food realated. i dnt really get panic b4 this happends il just wake up and think i better get a drink and get up quicklly then that starts it all off, thinking of it it does seem to happen if i eat to nr to bedtime prehaps thats it, ive gone 2 months without it happening over the last yr since it started it races for a short time during which i shake get numb hands and feel like im chokeing,also sometimes dizzy and breathless for a day after the attack, many thank to all the replies so far, it does not feel like a normal pa either a lot worse and sudden....

21-12-05, 14:36
well thats good news you have had ecg, ett, echo and 24 hour tape and all normal, there exists a connection between our cardiovascular system and our digestive system which is more than proximity so perhaps it is related to something you are eating,it is never a good idea to eat too close to going to bed,i find that i sometimes wake up with a slightly faster rate if i have had a lot of caffiene (especially not good for your bladder) or eaten too much prior to going to bed.

I just want my life back

21-12-05, 19:25
*i dnt really get panic b4 this happends il just wake up and think i better get a drink and get up quicklly then that starts it all off*

I get up at 05:15 to be out of the door as near to 05:45 as possible, so its a startled awake, bathroom, breakfast and then I log on briefly and I'm always racing along at about 140 by then for a few minutes.

I've asked my body to go from deep sleep to physical action running up and down stairs, fully stimulated GI tract, active brain to being fully alert in minutes and that takes masses of energy and every cell in my body functioning so our systems have to react so it can keep up- thus the racing everything.Its usually back to 60 ish by the time I'm slamming car doors and leaving.

If you were to be much more leisurely and do the yoga waking up routine it is probably really much better for us.

What you are feeling is your body reacting totally normally to the circumstances you've giving it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-12-05, 23:30
ah cheers meg i was begining to think id done damage to it or something it really is the worst feeling ever cherrs all..