View Full Version : Please need advice bad

18-01-10, 21:40
Hi everyone hope everyone had a good xmas i have been told bp my Gp that i have to take Simvastatin for my cholesterol but ive read on the net about all the bad things that can happen musscle problems , liver failure even death and now im scared Sh**less to take them please help if u have taken them or u know of people that have taken them

18-01-10, 22:00
Hi there

If you are really concerned then you should go back and discuss this with your Gp, however those side effects are probably the most extreme cases and a very slim chance of happening.


margaret jones
18-01-10, 22:18
My hubby has taken them for the last 4 yrs and he has no side effects
just a lowering of his cholestrol levels which is good for our general health Maybe going and chatting to your GP about your worries will help you .

Take Care Margaret

18-01-10, 22:25
My husband and I both take it (yes, we're a couple of physical wrecks!!!) and I can honestly say that I'm not up nor down with it. My husband did think he was more bothered with joint pain but doc doesn't think it's anything to do with tablets. He's okay otherwise. I know lots of people on them and they're all absolutely fine. Please don't worry. In the long run they'll be of benefit to you.

18-01-10, 23:19
I take it too. No problems! I feel much safer taking this pill. I worry more about my heart than any muscle problem with this pill. Besides, my doctor said that if I did get muscle pain and stopped taking the pill, all would be well. So far, I am getting benefit from lower cholesterol and there have been no detrimental side effects.

19-01-10, 00:54
In regards to using these prescribed drugs, i recommend using natural alternatives. PArticularily for hypertension Coenzyme q10(300 mg), and fish oil. I also recommend increasing for vitamin c intake from anywhere to 5 - 10 grams for arterial integrity and artherioschlerosis, , also supplement with amino acid l Lysine. All of thwese together are far better than any synthetic drug you can take for your cardiovascular system.