View Full Version : Choking incident...

18-01-10, 22:25
I had a mild choking incident over an hour ago. On a piece of toast no less. Half an hour later I still had a persistant cough. So, I kept sipping cold water. Then I had a Strepsil. The cough's gone but I feel like I have a bit of a glut in the back of my throat when swallowing.

I've told myself it will probably be due to the fact that I've irritated the area after the choking incident and it may have swollen a little. My airway's not compromised. But I'm still feeling a bit panicked about it. I was going to ring NHS 24 for advice but they only deal with emergencies and this isn't an emergency. It's a 'give me some reassurance please that this will go away and not turn into anything serious'. So I don't feel comfortable phoning them.

Anybody been through this? Or can offer advice?

18-01-10, 22:31
You'll be fine hun dont worry about it, its probably a bit of toast back there it'll naturally go down soon try not to think about it maybe gargle some water to lift it. Nothing bad will happen x

18-01-10, 22:40
Oh thank you. I'm trying to ignore it by watching a bit of tv. I think it may be a little better. Either that or I'm just not focusing on it as much.

Take care :hugs:

18-01-10, 22:47
The toast probably just scraped the back of your throat and has made it a bit sore and tender.
It is scary when you choke on food. Just keep on sipping water to ease the soreness and you will be fine.

18-01-10, 23:08
Thanks muchly for the reassurance. I'm feeling a little calmer now. And it's seems a bit easier to swallow. Which is great because I really didn't want to phone NHS 24.

Take care :hugs:

18-01-10, 23:57
It can be really scarey when you choke on food so I can understand your worries.

I am glad it is easing now so that means you are ok.

21-01-10, 15:12
Hi, I'm one of these people that worries about choking a lot, anything that looks like might be 'chokeable' I'll evaluate if I want to even try eating it... and if I do, I chew the CRAP out of it! :)

There have been a couple of times now, where I have eaten something... had a bit of a swollowing crisis and ended up irritating the back of my throat. Usually with something like crisps (potato chips if your american) They can be a bit sharp on the throat!

Now when this happens and you get a kind of grase in your throat or something, it tends to FEEL exactly like there is something stuck there! And it would probably get better if I could only stop coughing and irritating it more! But you know worry!

Either way, bottom line is... in my experience, its really nothing and it'll go by tomorrow or the day after if you can try to stop irritating it!

26-01-10, 19:05
Ryan - thank you just the awnser i was looking for! ate some bacon half an hour ago and it feels like either its still there or my throat is falling apart! it does feel like something is stuck but what you described makes sense. and it often happens with walkers crisps grrrr.

26-01-10, 19:17
You have just scraped your throat slightly and made it is a little sore on the surface, you are absolutely right in saying you have just caused a wee bit of temporary irritation. It does feel exactly like something is still stuck there though doesn't it, I know that feeling ! It will gradually improve and is nothing to worry about, honestly.