View Full Version : can acid reflux make you hyperventilate

18-01-10, 23:25
hi please help

i have got a very bloated stomach,very gurglyand noisy, i alsohavea blocked nose finding it hard to breathe cos of this so i start to hyperventilate, which makes me go light headed, burning sensations etc etc, can anyone relate to this, its when i stand up its worse, laying on my side im ok, im getting out of breath also when eating, is this just anxiety???? when my stomachs ok and nose not blocked i can go out enjoy myself but as soon as i eat i cant breath.

18-01-10, 23:56
Well, it's difficult at the very best to try and obtain a diagnosis over the internet, let alone when providing insufficient information.

How long have you been experiencing the GI symptoms? When you say that your stomach is bloated, are you belching or passing gas? Is the "rumbling" and "churning" very high pitched or more low pitched in quality? Are the GI symptoms better in the morning and grow worse during the day, or are they constant? Do you feel suddenly full and distended after eating only a few bites of food and is there any abdominal pain. If so, where does the pain occur? Do your symptoms wake you at night? Is your throat sore in the morning and are you hoarse when speaking? Do you have instances where you either belch or regurgiate stomach chyme or acid up into your throat or mouth? Are you experiencing extended periods of diarrhea, constipation or an alternating combination of the two? Is the color of your stool normal in appearance? Have you ever been diagnosed with a functional bowel disorder such as IBS? Are you male or female and what is your approximate age?

With regard to your "blocked nose" please tell me whether you've ever been diagnosed with allergic or vasomotor rhinitis. Also tell me whether the symptoms are persistent throuhout the year or only during certain times. Tell me whether your nose becomes stuffy more during eating or drinking. Is your chest ever congested as well, or only your nose? Is there anything you do to relieve the symptoms and if so, what?

If you can answer these questions, I can better provide you with some guidance.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)