View Full Version : Beta Blockers and Heart Failure

19-01-10, 00:30
I just started taking Beta Blockers recently, Inderal (Propranolol) 10mg a day. And since then I've heard all sorts of nasty stories about beta's causing heart failure and so on. Which I find odd as I know Beta Blockers are used on people that have heart issues. But yet again my anxious mind is leading me to believe that because I now take them, that this will happen to me.

Does anyone know any info on heart failure and beta blockers. I'm far too afraid to Google as to what I might find. Any help would be appreciated. Just need someone to talk sense to me. :blush:

19-01-10, 00:44
wierd can't seem to find any evidence suggesting heart failure for use of beta blockers. why exactly are you taking them?

19-01-10, 01:05
I'm taking them for panic/anxiety. I read on the leaflet that they can cause heart failure, which I found odd... I was thinking there would be all sorts of horror stories all over the internet but since you can't find any, I guess I was wrong... Thankfully.

19-01-10, 01:27
in women they actually decrease the chances of heart failure , only negative effect i have seen is they slightly increase cholestorol. Why don't you try something else for anxiety? inositol , bach flowers valerian root. Anywayws beta blockers should be ok haven't found anything bad about them , just not sure about long term effects of them

19-01-10, 01:36
Thanks for the info. I've tried bach remedies but they don't work for me long term. I'm only taking these Beta Blockers short term, as I'm a bit weary about meds in general.

19-01-10, 02:14
well i have heard alot of great feedback from taking inositol. passionflower extraxt taken in excess of 45 drops daily is as powerful and effective as 30 mgs oxazepam. inositol 4 grams a day will be very effective against panic attacks , and 18 grams a day can treat OCD . You should try inositol.

19-01-10, 02:36
I have never read that about the beta blockers. I would never take it if I had. My doctor knows how paranoid I am when it comes to my heart so I cant imagine him ever putting me on something that I would be afraid of.

19-01-10, 08:05
beta blockers are cardio protective and would never do any harm, and like the above post said they wouldnt put you on something which would harm you :) im on propranolol and im a medication phobic so i wouldnt touch if i knew it would harm me

19-01-10, 09:04
i think posting this post you may have increased some peoples anxiety ,,who take it ,,they wont say but inside you will have got them thinking

19-01-10, 15:16
I took Propanalol last year, 20mg a day for anxiety and panic. They only help stop the symptoms such as the fast heartbeat and breathing fast but they don't actually stop the anxiety or panic itself. I took them for less than 2 weeks then stopped taking them as they weren't helping the actual anxiety or panic and I felt really jittery.

I've never heard of the heart failure side effect but if you are worried have a talk to your Dr.

19-01-10, 16:02
I took Propanalol last year, 20mg a day for anxiety and panic. They only help stop the symptoms such as the fast heartbeat and breathing fast but they don't actually stop the anxiety or panic itself. I took them for less than 2 weeks then stopped taking them as they weren't helping the actual anxiety or panic and I felt really jittery.

I've never heard of the heart failure side effect but if you are worried have a talk to your Dr.

you have to give it a month or so for you body to properly adjust, but there not for everyone :winks: and yes they get rid of the symptoms but not the actual anxiety

19-01-10, 21:23
i think posting this post you may have increased some peoples anxiety ,,who take it ,,they wont say but inside you will have got them thinking

Maybe, but if thats the case then many of these threads are the same. We all have our concerns.

There is information connecting Beta Blockers and heart failure and also says it on the leaflet the doctor gave me. I just wanted to know how true it was and if it was only connected when used in it's extremity.

I'm sure it doesn't happen when taken correctly, but when anxiety enters the mind, there's not a lot of rational thinking!

28-01-10, 00:45
I know if you take to much at one time maybe your heart will stop but I have been on the 15 or 20 years..It has helped me a lot..