View Full Version : Fear of Affair/Divorce

19-01-10, 01:04
I have suffered with anxiety disorder for 4 years now. I have been married to my husband for 10. We had a wonderful marriage until my anxiety began. He is so laid back and it is hard when my anxiety is so high for him to understand. I just recently met someone who suffers anxiety as well. We are like twins in all walks of life. He lives in another country than I and we have only spoken online. I honestly am believing that he may be who I am supposed to be with since having anxiety. I am so scared to hurt my husband and have never had thoughts of cheating until now. I am afraid anxiety has changed me for life and we are so different now. I honestly believe this gentleman and I need one another really. I have offered for him to come to Canada to maybe begin a new life. Has anyone been in a situation like this? I know anxiety can cause many confusing thoughts but this feels so real and right. I am also in therapy but these thoughts are recent and I am too afraid right now to bring it up to my doctor. Please help :weep:

19-01-10, 01:58
The is not always greener on the other side.
you only know him online so you don't know truly what he is like, only how he presents himself and its easy to be anyone online.
i think because he undertands you and gets you, it's making you really like him.