View Full Version : Felt strange but slept better

19-01-10, 08:53
Bad day yesterday, so tired but could not sleep, very restless and fidgety, but last night i got about 6 hours sleep, fairly good sleep too, woke up twice i think. Trouble i have at the minute with the medication i'm on is can't get my words out and i have to think very hard about what i'm saying, a sentence can take upto a minute to get out. Then maybe on the other hand that's the depression and anxiety kicking in more than ever, who knows. But i have to be positive, i slept fairly well last night, i can't remember the last time i slept for 6 hours, and you know just thinking about it my mind was not racing as bad.
You don't really realize my friends do you, until it's to late, just what level this illness drags you down to until it's got hold of you well and truly. I never really thought i would value a half good nights sleep so dearly.
Yes i don't think i wrote a post yesterday due to the fact i felt so off.

19-01-10, 08:55
hi i am so happy you had good 6 hours sleep is good for us hope you have good day my friend you wll get there believe me x