View Full Version : Instead of Christmas...

21-12-05, 14:35
Instead of worrying about Christmas, why not celebrate TODAY - the Winter Solstice. It's the shortest day of the year. When the sun slips over the horizon tonight, legend has it that it dies and is reborn overnight. Tomorrow, it rises heralding increasingly longer daylight hours - hoorah! Now that's something worth celebrating (I hate the long dark nights when I'm anxious).

Hey, you don't need to dance around ancient stones in robes or any of that stuff - just give a nod or raise a glass to the forthcoming lighter days [8D]

Ellie x

21-12-05, 15:52
Great idea Ellie!

I'm with you, I hate the dark nights when I'm anxious too. Hoorah to longer days:D

Pen x

Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself. ~Samuel Butler

21-12-05, 16:54
I'll buy that!

You mean the worst is over and Christmas is not happening this year?

Not having kids around dilutes the spirit of Christmas for me, even more so that I don't go out to work either. Just have to put up with the 'duties' that go with it.

I love the light.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

21-12-05, 17:24
Hi All

Well I will certainly celebrate tonight. I hate these dark old days.

Click; sorry about not having the kids about for Cmas. It's for kids really isn't it. It can be a sad time of year. I get sad because my kids are getting older now (17 and 20) and Cmas just isn't the same. Nevertheless I've still filled up two stockings with a load of kiddy type sweets. I just can't let go.

Click, you're not working? How do you get through the day. I don't work and I nearly go mad sometimes because all I seem to do is housework, take the dog out and get on the puter.

At the moment Im not getting out as much as I should because I been anxious and definitely can't face big supermarkets or the crowded town at the moment. Tell me what you get up to to keep yourself busy.

Love to all

Y Goble

21-12-05, 18:55
Volunteering ... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3767)
Volunteer Work! Update (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6479)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?