View Full Version : heart problem/????

19-01-10, 10:10
im on 30 mg of propranolol and sometimes my heart rate is still 84 - 90 this morning its about 78, how come its not lower! if the blocker isnt workin does that mean my hearts nt working properly????:weep:

23-01-10, 22:02
:doh:no it does not mean ur heart is not working properly! however i do not know much about these, u should just speak to your doctor. they would not have given u anything dangerous, and im sure they will be able to advise u on what u can do... x sorry not much help

23-01-10, 22:28
No it doesn't mean your heats not working properly. I'm taking propranolol too and my doctor said that it doesn't work for everyone, just trial and error really. Don't worry about it, your heart should be between 60-100 at rest so your fine!:)

Forrest Gump
23-01-10, 23:58
People react differently to medication. I had to try out 3,4 different meds for my heart before the doctors where satisfied with the results. My average heart rate at this time is 75, and my doctor seems fine with that, and then I will of course have to try and live more healthy to improve further.
A lot of things will raise your heart rate, even just thinking about it. Frequently checking your heart rate will also raise it, so try to avoid that if you can (unless your doctor have advised you otherwise), and let your doctor take care of the checkups.

24-01-10, 00:41
Your heart rates are very normal, so it seems as though the meds are working. Do you feel any symptoms now or are you feeling better?

24-01-10, 07:37
Hey you

Your heart rates seem pretty good.

I really dont think this is anything serious, meds can make you abit anxious it seems from your post that your anxious

Your heart rate is fine, i used to have this problem where i would constantly check my heart rate.

I was always feeling anxious and thinking my heart was beating faster then it should.

I Finally decided to see a doctor and he hooked me up to a heart monitor and everytime i started to think about my heart racing or if i were to check my own pulse then my heart would start to race!

It was anxiety so finally i decided enough was enough so when i felt like my heart was beating fast i refused to check my pulse and after awhile it just stopped and i quit thinking about it.

You have my love and support good luck :hugs: