View Full Version : Leg cramp in the night, anything to worry about?

19-01-10, 10:27
I woke up last night with a cramp in my calf, which has never happened before. I hadnt had any over exertion or exercise yesterday, I wasnt dehydrated so im worried why this would be. Im worred it could be neurological and a sign of some muscle wasting disease!! (thanks google!)

19-01-10, 10:33
Definately nothing to worry about :hugs: pretty much everyone i know gets cramp at some stage, alot of people think its stress related, it very well could be! i go through phases of cramp and never ever worries about it, i have had it so bad in my calf at times i can barely walk. It really is nothing to worry about i promise xxx

19-01-10, 10:37
Thanks for your reply, I think it was cramp anyway, it was kind of that feeling when you've tensed up a muscle and then relax it and its all knotted up (im assuming thts cramp, right?)

19-01-10, 10:40
Yea that sounds like cramp and its really painful!! i know what its like to worry over everylittle thing, Health Anxiety is horrible i have been there :) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is really helpful. xx