View Full Version : Going 2 hospital 2moz cant tke anymore

anx mum
19-01-10, 14:59
Cant live like this this pain is getting me so down been a month now and still going on. Will ask for a xray my knees r so sore when getting up and moving.Ihave sharp pain in calf not right:weep:

19-01-10, 15:10
Anxmum i know you are so consumed by fear that you wont listen to this ( this isnt a harsh comment at all hun) but yest as you know my calves were cramping & i took some dioralvte & today they arnt. My left knee really really hurts when i stand up & walking down the stairs is painful. The fact that its in both your knees proves it isnt a blood clot & i imagine somethng to do with your back! try not to worry x

anx mum
19-01-10, 15:34
sat here in tears this has been going on a month just wanna b well again. Whats dioralvte? No painkillers r working really. How long has urs been going on?

19-01-10, 15:36
Anxmum, please make sure you are doing this for the right reasons.

If you are going to ask for an Xray because you are genuinely distressed about your pain and want to know if you have a bone/joint problem then that's fine. In fact if it gets to the bottom of the problem for you that's probably a good thing.

However if, as I suspect, you are going because you are still convinced you have a blood clot (which you don't) then you are wasting your time, An Xray cant answer that question. An Xray, as I have explained before, can't detect a blood clot. It looks through the soft tissue to the bone.

anx mum
19-01-10, 15:43
Was going 2 ask for my xray i know an xray wouldnt show a clot. Sick of the whole thing 2 b honest just want 2 b well

19-01-10, 15:50
Hope you find out what is is then anxmum - good luck xxx

19-01-10, 16:10
i went through a period of my knees hurting! i dont know what happed but they dont hurt ne more :o)

19-01-10, 16:39
Pain killers very rarely work with tensed muscles....

You tried a massage? Might do you good and act as some reassurance when the massuese tells you how tense you feel and how tight everything is. Apparently my knech and shoulders are like wood!