View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like me???

19-01-10, 15:26
It seem's like most HA suffers on here, feel they have something seriously wrong with them so they have to keep going to the doctors etc. to get it checked out.

But with me it's oppersite, I have a massive phobia of doctors and hospitals anything medical. That I always think theres something wrong with me. That I will have to in the end go to the doctors or worse hospital. This thought fills me with such panic and I feel sick to the stomach at the thought of even going to the doctors for a check up.

I have been through broken bone's, seafood poisioning etc. And still not been able to face going :weep:

I think this links back to when I was growing up and I had my gran, granddad and aunty all go into hospital and never come out again. So I think in my mindset hopsitals and doctors and places you go to die not to get better. And knowing this just doesnt make it any easier.

So does anyone else feel like this?

19-01-10, 15:39
Yep that sounds exactly like me. Im particulary bad thinking I have just about everything at the moment. Im terrified of all things medical before last week I hadn been toa doctor for 12 years and had worried loads about things I thought could be wrong but always just managed to live with the worry. Part of the reason I feel so worried I might have something wrong with me is that I really couldnt cope if the doc wanted to do procedures etc. Ive never been in hospital and its my worst nightmare, I feel faint when I even get near a hospital entrance when you get a whiff of the hospital smell (and this is visiting someone else).

I recently had a filling at the dentist and that was a huge deal to me, I had to have conscious sedation and have about 4 dentist appintments with a really understanding dentist before I could go through with it.

I also think im particularly bad at the mo as the thought has went through my mind what if all those worries ive had over the years have really been sometjng serious and ive put if off and now the condition is untreatable/really serious.

19-01-10, 15:46
sigh of relief, I haven't been to the doctors for about 15 years, the last time I went to the hospial was to see my sister in law and her new baby after she give birth to my niece. and like you say that clinical smell is what starts it all off. I was panicking so much. I know people in nurses uniforms is ment to be attractive to a lot of guys but it feels me with dread lol. I wish I wasnt such a "wuss" and was able to go to the doctors dentists etc. grh.

19-01-10, 15:54
I had the same problem. I refused to go see the doctor cause i was too scared that something bad would happen and i wouldn't have been able to cope.
I even booked a few appointments, but had to cancel every time.
Until one day i thought, ok, I'm going to do something about it otherwise I'll get sick of worrying! I read a book that made me think about it. What would be worst, feeling uncomfertable for a few mins at the docs, or feeling stressed out and panicky with my worries for the long term. So i went there. I was so nervous and he was so calm it was funny actually.. I thought i was going to faint, but it went ok and i felt so good after that!

If you worry, do something about it. I know it's easier said than done, but you are in control. Do what's best for you.
I even went to the dentist a few times. I was so nervous but i survived it. Kept telling myself it's going to be ok, it's not going to last forever and i even found some humour in it at the same time.

I still struggle alot and my biggest fear is to faint infront of people but i'm trying not to care about what other people think. Although i have to admit it's not easy..
Hope that helped in some way.

19-01-10, 15:55
I used to be like that, but not anymore, i don't like going to dr,s etc but what can you do if you need help. Try not to be afraid of going if you have to go, after all they are there to help. But i can certainly see what you mean by the anxiety attached to it all. None of it's easy is it, all easier said than done.

19-01-10, 16:05
thanks, yes it does help. but as you well know in your mind you know the logic behind it all. And you know that if you do faint or panic your in the best possible place to do so. It just doesn't make it any easier for me. It freaks me out just writing about it. I wish doctors still did home visits where I could feel comfortable in my own home and get use to it. unfortantly the one time I did try and do something and get intouch with the doctors turned out so bad. that it has put me off even more. You can read about that in my introduction thread, if your interested or bored.

I use to struggle alot with fainting in public. until I watched a paul mckenna program about someone with the same fear. and he had someone pretend to faint in a supermarket. To show the sufferer how people around would act to that. and you know what most people just walked straight past. one person helped and they get them on a chair but apart from that people didnt give a second glance. It made me think how I would react if I saw someone faint in public. and my rational mind, I would look and think aw look someones fainted poor person. Must not have eaten much or something like that. and carry on walking. I wouldnt see it as a big deal. I hope this helps with your problem abit I know how tough it can be.

19-01-10, 16:07
this is called white coat syndrome, if there is nothing physical wrong with you then theres no need to go. i didnt use to feel like this, but recently everytime i go i feel adrenaline running through me al the time :( find a good docter and relax :)

19-01-10, 16:12
I'm exactly the same!

I panic because I think something is wrong...... but then I panic even more because I think I need to go to the hospital!! That brings on more anxiety and I get dizzy and begin to faint. Fainting is a horrid experience.

Its horrible, and its cruel, and very unfair. Not nice at all, and I really feel for you!

19-01-10, 16:17
sorry cat2 I just realised I have spoken to you in my intro post, Lol. ....

Yes balinese that's exactly what its like. The weird thing is the human body really interests me, and because of my illness I have read up on all kinds of medical things. And I love helping and caring for other people I would make a great doctor.

19-01-10, 19:09
:) I think i saw that program it was really good!
I think there's one thing that's helped me with fainting. I used to freak out everytime I Felt abit weak thinking, this is it, i must go get some rest or i'm gonna fall.
I spoke to a psychologist and she said, next time you feel weak, accept it. If your body needs to faint it will so i just need to breath and sit down til it goes away. It hasn't been easy, but it's much better than overeacting to it.
I also try to underreact. It's amazing how in 2 seconds your body symptoms can change and you can feel so much better when you know how to calm yourself down.
If it helps you can write down your scary thoughts and see the pattern. Your brain is so used to them and so it will take time to change them. But by replacing these thoughts with something less scary, for example: I'm going to faint or panic! help!!!! it can be changed to, ok, i feel weak, scared and panicky but i know it will go away. I'll float with it.
It does help.
I don't know if you've heard of the "attacking anxiety" program. It's by Lucinda Bassette. She was suffering from anxiety and panic attacks and she overcame it. She wrote a few books about it and a self help program. It a 12 week program and for each sessions you have a cd, dvd and a workbook to work with.
It's really good and i would recommend it to anyone with sever anxiety.
It's helped me a lot. I still read and listen to the cds.
You also get a relaxation cd with it.

We scare ourselves so only we can change it and make ourselves happy. As hard as it is..
