View Full Version : Think I'm going mad

19-01-10, 15:47
My anxiety is really abd right now, i feel I'm going mad and death is just around the corner.
I have to have blood tests every 3 months due to medication I take because for family related blood pressure (i'm 31 and all my family are on them). My blood test came back saying I have slightly high cholesterol which wasn't a surprise to me due to what I've been eating the last few months. Docs said eat healthy food for 3 months and go back. Been doing that for 6 days now and I feel terrible. Have horendous headache and feel achy and exhausted. Not a bug or anything though. Its like I'm craving fat.
Is it possible to go through some sort of detox side effects when starting a low fat diet??
I keep seeing things, forgettting stuff and have a general feeling I'm going mad and the headache I'm worrying is a tumour or aneruism!
To top it all off I have a hospital appointment thursday for an ent problem I have which i'm pettrified about in case they have to put a camera down my throat or up my nose (although there wasn't any mention of that on the letter)
I really have a bad feeling I'm not going to be around much longer to see my children grow up.
I'm sorry everyone..... I'm a mess!

i love tea
19-01-10, 16:02
Hi Paul,
I just wanted to let you know that I feel exactly the same as you at the moment. I am waiting for an appointment to start some CBT and it can't start soon enough for me because I just can't seem to snap out of the spiraling anxious thoughts and feelings of dread. You are not going mad, you're anxious - it feels horrible but you will be OK
Hopefully someone else will be able to help you with your query about the change in diet.

19-01-10, 16:04
your not going mad, and you wont die. just a typical example of the anxiety beasty :)

19-01-10, 16:55
You aren't going mad. It sounds like you're probably not eating enough hence the feeling rotten and headache!! They won't just stick a camera down your throat at an outpatient appointment - this has to be an arranged admission. The feeling of impending doom is a very common symptom in anxiety. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are not a mess, you are suffering from extreme anxiety and it's making you feel low. Be kind to yourself. Eat well, by all means healthily, but not to extreme, this only makes you feel worse and is a strain on you. You'll get through this. Just don't be too harsh on you.

19-01-10, 19:21
Just to reassure you, and sorry to disagree with you slightly myra, but at my ENT appointment they did put a camera up my nose to have a look into my voice box.

There was no mention of it before in the letter, however, the doctor(ENT specialist) asked if it was ok and it was over very quickly.

It doesn't hurt at all. If anything it just tickles a little like a bogey lol. I was feeling severely anxious that day too and floated to the appointment rather than walked!

You'll be fine. They might not even want to look in your voicebox.


21-01-10, 20:53
Sorry for the late reply but thank you all for your replies.

I had my appointment today and they did put a camera up my nose into my throat. It wasn't as bad as i expected and they didn't find any anormality. They are putting my symptoms down to my blood pressure medication and told me to go to gp and get them changed.

I still feel headachey and tired but am putting that down to being on a low fat diet.

Thank you all again